Cannot add TomTom GO 510 to MyDrive

Feb 7, 2024
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/be.png" alt="Belgium" /> Belgium
TomTom Model(s)
GO 6200, GO 510 LIVE, GO 750 LIVE

I have a TomTom GO 510 LIVE (variant 4FA5.001.06). Everything goes well, including adding my TomTom account for TomTom Services. However, under TomTom Services it seems my GPS device says it's not connected to MyDrive(well, actually it says MyDrive is 'not available'). When I click on it, I have to enter my TomTom account's password but then I get a message MyDrive could not be connected (the (somewhat) famous "Oops, there's a problem with connecting to" message). My GPS device doesn't have WiFi on board, but it did have connection to Internet through Bluetooth tethering. When I enter a wrong password on purpose, I get the message my e-mail address or password is wrong. Not only don't I have MyDrive connection from the GPS device, MyDrive Connect on the PC also fails to recognize my GO 510.

I was able though to add my TomTom GO 6200 to my TomTom accounts' products list, use the MyDrive app on Android and MyDrive Connect on Windows. So everything's OK with that device.

Could it be the GO 510 is too old to add it successfully to MyDrive again?
(My old GO 750 LIVE was added successfully years ago and it's still there in MyDrive, but I don't know if I would be able to remove it and add it again...)

Thank you!

GO 750 is not compatible with Mydrive.

If I understood your message correctly, your GO 510 is not recognized by Mydrive Connect.?

Reset your GO 510 to factory defaults then re-enter your login credentials are checked if your GO connects to Mydrive.

Also check your cable.
My GO 750 LIVE has been added to my TomTom account's product list, that what I meant (sorry, what I've first written, was misleading).

For the GO 510, it's unable to connect to MyDrive (GPS device => TomTom Services => MyDrive). It says "Not available" and when I click on it, the GO 510 asks for my TomTom account's password, but after a while it just says it can't connect to MyDrive.

Forgot to mention I've already reset the device, but the issue just stays... Because of this and because of the fact my newer GO 6200 can connect to MyDrive successfully, I was thinking perhaps TomTom has denied access for older devices?
There is no problem you can connect several GPS to your Mydrive account the only problem is when you add a route to Mydrive all the GPS connected to this account receive this route.

So it's best to create several Tomtom accounts to avoid this problem.
Thanks for the info.

However, it doesn't make any difference, as I'm just not able to add my GO 510 LIVE to MyDrive. I've tried it as the first GPS to add and later on as the 2nd (after adding GO 6200 successfully), but to no avail... I've reset the GPS, triplechecked Bluetooth tethering on my smartphone, checked the GPS was connected via Bluetooth to my smartphone, tried with and without the power cable, restarted the GPS, and so on and on...
Thanks for the info.

However, it doesn't make any difference, as I'm just not able to add my GO 510 LIVE to MyDrive. I've tried it as the first GPS to add and later on as the 2nd (after adding GO 6200 successfully), but to no avail... I've reset the GPS, triplechecked Bluetooth tethering on my smartphone, checked the GPS was connected via Bluetooth to my smartphone, tried with and without the power cable, restarted the GPS, and so on and on...
We just had another user reporting something similar.
If you are using Windows, open up Device Manager and see what kind of device your 510 claims to be. It should show up in the list of "Network adapters". The other user had it mistakenly showing up in the "Ports" section.

You can see this issue towards the end of this thread:
I've solved the problem. I couldn't connect from GO 510 LIVE to MyConnect, because I was missing an update. However, I couldn't get the update, because MyDrive Connect wasn't working. Once I had solved the latter (cause was probably a bad logon with my TomTom account in MyDrive Connect), I could get the updates and afterwards connection to MyDrive succeeded from the GO 510 device. Everything's working right now.

Hi, I’m having the same problem as you (Padre Pedro) cannot get my TT410 to connect, just keeps telling me it’s temporarily unavailable, this has been going on for months. Apparently it doesn’t have wi-fi but it does have bluetooth, any suggestions?
@Pockets , have you connected your device to a computer with MyDrive Connect? If so, have you been logged on with your TomTom account in MyDrive Connect? Then, is your device recognized? Any updates?
When your device is up to date, do you get MyDrive connection from your device (while it is connected to USB or Bluetooth tethering)?
It’s has if my devise is not there, it comes on the screen “connect your first devise” I then connect the usb cable to my PC and nothing, then about 10seconds later it comes on the screen “my drive will connect when a internet connection is made” but my PC is connected to the internet, its as if it doesn’t know it’s there. But there must be a connection because it starts to charge the devise?
It’s has if my devise is not there, it comes on the screen “connect your first devise” I then connect the usb cable to my PC and nothing, then about 10seconds later it comes on the screen “my drive will connect when a internet connection is made” but my PC is connected to the internet, its as if it doesn’t know it’s there. But there must be a connection because it starts to charge the devise?
Question Have you tried with another cable?
I have but it ask you only use the cable that is supplied, but i have used several different ones but the outcome is the same, personally i think the pc doesn’t know its connected to anything. I’ve deleted the programme and reinstalled it three times but still no connection. If i go through the menu on the devise it does connect to my iPhone but only if i go onto hotspot but thats of little use.
... personally i think the pc doesn’t know its connected to anything.
Except your device is showing up in Device Manager, correct? So your PC knows it's connected, but doesn't have a correct assessment about WHAT is connected!
No I don’t think it is, (I’m a complete DickHead when it comes to computers) I’ve looked in devise manager and there is nothing relating to Tomtom, I’m expecting it comes up as TT or MyDrive or something I could relate to TT but nothing.
i don’t even know which Windows I’m using, i think its 10? But its quite old so it could be anything.
Normally in the device manager if you plug and unplug the USB cable you will have to indicate if the GPS is recognized.
No I don’t think it is, (I’m a complete DickHead when it comes to computers) I’ve looked in devise manager and there is nothing relating to Tomtom, I’m expecting it comes up as TT or MyDrive or something I could relate to TT but nothing.
i don’t even know which Windows I’m using, i think its 10? But its quite old so it could be anything.
You shouldn't necessarily expect Device Manager to show the TomTom name for the device. If all works as it should, also look for "Remote NDIS Compatible Device" in the listing of "Network Adapters" for Nav4 devices like your 410.
Right, I’ve found devise manager and plugged and unplugged the usb connected to the TT and cannot see anything changing so I presume its not recognising the unit, however i now have a map showing all ”My Places” and a location that is 30 odd miles away?
when i pull the usb out it makes no difference to the map its the same one i have on my phone and ipad.
Beginning to loose interest!!
Right, I’ve found devise manager and plugged and unplugged the usb connected to the TT and cannot see anything changing so I presume its not recognising the unit, however i now have a map showing all ”My Places” and a location that is 30 odd miles away?
when i pull the usb out it makes no difference to the map its the same one i have on my phone and ipad.
Beginning to loose interest!!
If your MyPlaces entries from the TomTom planner cloud were newly transferred to your device during the USB connection, then it must have been recognized and connected via MyDrive Connect's bridge code (doesn't require an 'active' MyDrive Connect' session to accomplish this - just that it's running there in the background).
If I add a new entry to “My places” on my TT devise it won’t magically turn up on my phone or Ipad or PC. I’m not sure how it all started to sync up originally but somehow everything managed to end up on every devise (Iphone, ipad, PC) but now it doesn’t.
Not sure if it’s something I’ve done or it was pure luck, but also my devise tells me I don’t need a connection for speed camera and new maps apparently they upload themselves? (Who would have thought)

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