Cannot add new places on MyDrive

Feb 20, 2018
Torslanda, Sweden
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/se.png" alt="Sweden" /> Sweden
TomTom Model(s)
Go 720, Go 6200
I am just adding approx 50 places for later use in my Go 6200. After adding some 15-20 places it is suddenly impossible to add more places. What should I do?
So we are clear, you were using the MyDrive web interface to create these favorites, and then transferring them from the cloud to your device?

I'll first toss out an idea that you may prefer in the future, and may even choose to make use of now ...
If you know how to create a custom POI file for a TomTom device, place all of your associated places into a single POI file and send that to your 6200 instead. It will keep them all in one POI category on your device in MyPlaces, saving a lot of clutter there. Secondarily, you will now have a full backup of your places on your PC that you can edit as needed and resend to your device any time.

I have one that I call _favorites.ov2. The underscore forces it to the top of the MyPlaces list.
Dear canderson
Well, I should have said creating (not saving) new places is suddenly impossible.
And another question - which is the best way to transfer new places to my device, which has a wifi using a SIM-card? I really do not understand everything in the manual.
I worked on with this. I restarted my computer and now it works very well to create new places/favorites.
But which is the best way to transfer new places to my device, which has a wifi using a SIM-card? Will transferring from smartphone to my TomTom work as well even when not at home or in another WiFi network?
The transfer between your cell phone and the device is via the built in Bluetooth.
Make sure you paired them at Settings > Bluetooth.
Ah, now I think I follow you. That's why I asked if you were trying to do this via the MyDrive Web interface or not (which is how many people do it as well). It sounds as though you've been using your phone to create them instead.
Follow Arno's advice. Pair the Bluetooth connection between your phone and your device and the favorites you create on your phone will be available on your device.
As you create each point on your phone, select "Add to My Places". When you have a list put together, to the right you will also see "Send to Device" (your 6200).

Even so, I find it a lot less messy to create a custom POI of my favorites so that I can edit and modify that list easily, and will always have a backup of it.
Dear Greta,

When you find the time, could you please replace or add your TomTom model in your profile.

Thank you,
Ah, now I think I follow you. That's why I asked if you were trying to do this via the MyDrive Web interface or not (which is how many people do it as well). It sounds as though you've been using your phone to create them instead.
Follow Arno's advice. Pair the Bluetooth connection between your phone and your device and the favorites you create on your phone will be available on your device.
As you create each point on your phone, select "Add to My Places". When you have a list put together, to the right you will also see "Send to Device" (your 6200).

In fact you were right before, I was using MyDrive on my PC when preparing my trip. Now I am thinking of the adds and alterations I will need to do in the car, with my phone! I have problems with the Bluetooth connection. I am asked to disconnect the TomTom and the phone "all the time". And then to reconnect. Should it be necessary to do this, re-reading the QR symbol every now and then? Is it necessary to start MyDrive on my phone?
canderson: In fact you were right before, I was using MyDrive on my PC when preparing my trip. Now I am thinking of the adds and alterations I will need to do in the car, with my phone! I have problems with the Bluetooth connection. I am asked to disconnect the TomTom and the phone "all the time". And then to reconnect. Should it be necessary to do this, re-reading the QR symbol every now and then? Is it necessary to start MyDrive on my phone?
Unfotunartely, thatis the biggest problem with the BT connection.

If the pairing does does not work right, the phone must be deleted fron the BT connection and the procedure with the QR scan started over again.
When I finally works, it works well and it does not have to be repeated untin another update.

I hate the way it is now and I think TomTom must come up with a more user friendly procedure.
Good luck.

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