Can I convert XL350TM to XL340TM

Dec 28, 2010
I am told XL340TM has safty menu that works in USA. my XL360TM safty menu does not work is there anyway to convert it to XL340TM
No its not possible to convert the unit to a different model number, there are work arounds to add certain features by putting a custom menu on it but that might not address the speed camera warning issue.

Having read through your other posts it would appear you have been given a load of poor advice by TomTom Customer Support. I would phone them again on Monday and ask them to either honour the device specification as advertised with operational Saftery Camera W\arnings or offer a full refund, point out it was their own advertising media and their Web Site specifications for the device you purchased are wrong and the device does not meet the capability for which you purchased it. If you get nowhere with the first person who answers the phone request to speak to their supervisor - Mike
Thank you for your help

I spoke with a superviser last night was told there was nothing they could do. So going to try agean monday.
Does your 350 have an Enable Safety Alerts icon but it is dimmed?

That was the case with my new XXL550TM. I was able to resolve that by using Home to remove the item from my device, remove the item from my computer, and finally to re-install it. Another post suggests that a corrupt file is to blame and this seemed to be the way to fix that.
Thanks Mike

Was waiting monday to hear from coprate office. But to my suprise got a call from the same superviser I talked to Friday imforming me she hade fowereded my issue to coprate and they offered to echang it for a XL340tm. Even emailed me shiping label for fedex and looks like they set ithe 340 up for me. Got a email from tomtom welcoming me to lifetime map updates. Cant wait till it gets here. I think better of tomtom now.
Was waiting monday to hear from coprate office. But to my suprise got a call from the same superviser I talked to Friday imforming me she hade fowereded my issue to coprate and they offered to echang it for a XL340tm.
Such a deal. If only they'd take back the EasyMenu units from everyone who gets "surprised" by them. Glad to hear they worked this out for you. I wouldn't have expected it.

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