Battery is charging on VIA125

Aug 12, 2015
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/in.png" alt="India" /> India
TomTom Model(s)
1. I keep getting the "battery is charging " message every 2-3 minutes... Very annoying.. How delete this?
I have checked for loose connection and replaced the car adapter also..Makes me to click yes twice.
2. When I start my car I would like to view the map instead of the warning messages..
Please help
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That message occurs when the device finds itself connected to external power. When that message keeps coming up, it's almost always an indication of a poor connection that comes and goes. Each time the power connection breaks and reconnects, even for a moment, the message appears. It could be the connection at either end of the charger cable that's acting up. What you need to hope is that it isn't a loose socket on the GPS itself. Was your factory setup a separate cable and adapter, or was the adapter hard wired to the cable? I'm asking because you mention replacing the adapter, but I don't know if that included the cable or not.

Ah - there's one other thing we've seen, though rare .. transient power at the car's outlet. Tougher to check for that.
Thanks for the quick response. The GPS (TOMTOM VIA125) came with a micro USB cable which is used to connect with the car cigarette adapter OR to the computer for updates.
I checked the adapter and the cable for loose connections.
I like to keep the charging cable plugged in at all times. So when I start the car, I like to see the GPS go on and the maps appear.
I am using this on my new AUDI Q3
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You should only see the legal stuff when the device comes up from a 'cold' boot. From a cold boot on a Nav3 unit, you get the "Legal notice" page (requires "I agree"). If the device is off only overnight, that should not occur if you're just putting the device in a suspended mode overnight (turn off with external power off, or with short press of power button).

A cold boot every morning makes me wonder whether your battery is completely flat every morning. Can you check that one time by disconnecting power and turning it on manually and checking the battery status in the lower left corner?

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