Adhesive Disks?

Dec 30, 2007
Canandaigua New York
TomTom Model(s)
Rider 2
I am looking for a TT for daughter #1 but all I see now a days is this adhesive disk Wallmart is un able to help me & let me know if the disk is removable or transferable. Not to mention if it is nither leving the disk attached to the windshield is just begging to get broken in to. Does anyone have any input to the disk?

The disk is meant to go on the dash, not the windshield and apparently is quite difficult to remove. Another option is the use of a friction mount that you attach the unit to and then you can just move the friction mount out of site when finished with it.

You can find friction mounts at electronics stores like Best Buy, etc. and online at sites like
DHN Thanks for the update!!

All the displays I saw showed the speaker on the back of the TT I cant see how the disk would mount to the dash w/ this configuration. I liked the old style I wonder why they had to change it?
DHN Thanks for the update!!

All the displays I saw showed the speaker on the back of the TT I cant see how the disk would mount to the dash w/ this configuration. I liked the old style I wonder why they had to change it?

check these accessories out
and see you can use any one of them

good luck
All the Tomtom's with the "easyport" mount have a removable suction mount. They work fine on windhields and maybe on some dashboards. The adhesive disks are if you want a stronger permanent mount.

I'm pretty sure any device sold at Walmart has the "easyport" mount, but with all the new models recently released, I'm not 100% sure.

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