Address Lookup for New Map Update...

Sorry I did have it once by POI lookup but not mall or shopping center.

This it though?

That's all I get when I do the search on my 660.1215 map

I just checked google earth and that mall is HUGE!!!

Though even google earth finds the denist and the police station first...then the mall. hhhmmmm

Sorry I could help more..
People -- you can check all this yourself by going to:

If it has been updated here, then the new maps will reflect it.

If it has not been updated here, then the new maps will not reflect it. In that case you can provide feedback online.

The TeleAtlas website will show the latest maps/data that they have, but that doesn't necessarily mean that same information made the snapshot cut-off date for TomTom. TeleAtlas' information is updated all the time -- TomTom purchases map data from TeleAtlas (and/or NavTeq depending on the TomTom device) that is up-to-date at the time of their purchase, but that could mean that by the time the map data is converted and distributed by TomTom, it could be weeks or even months old.
Agreed, however since the maps were just released they should be pretty similar (maybe a month old?). I've also contributed several suggestions to TeleAtlas since they've provided map feedback and they do not get updated overnight (more like several months).

Unless anyone else has offered TeleAtlas feedback, received a quick response and seen it updated online in a short time?
Hello.. the street itself if over a year old.. approx a year and a half..

the closest that I can be is at the corner of Degelman and McVeety..
When I bypass the start up and just use GPS to find where I am, it says I'm on Degelman Drive.. so I have set the corner of Degelman Drive and McVeety Drive as my HOME as I'm only 2 houses from the corner.. is this ok?
It might be selled wrong. On the old maps my address was spelled "Earthside" it should be "Hearthside". It is correct on the new maps. In England I think that sometimes the "H" is silent.
Strangely enough the new map update changed my home street's name and now I can no longer reference my house by address. My street was identified as a Way and now it's a Court. Way is correct. However, my old street name still exists on the new maps but it's on the other side of town (this can happen when street suffixes change in a quadrant based naming system). I wonder if this is an indication that they're actually planning on changing the street names on me or if TeleAtlas just got mixed up information. I guess I'll find out if I start missing mail deliveries. :D
I've just discovered a problem on the new maps that is definitely TomTom's fault, so I'll be sending them an email. There is a significant (relatively busy, 4-lane)local road that although it exists in the new TomTom maps, it cannot be used for routing because you cannot use any address on that road as a destination. The road simply does not show up in the list of roads, but it is on the map. Ready for the really weird part? It *IS* available as a crossroad destination. Meaning, if I choose a different (but intersecting) road first, then the road that's missing from the destination list does appear on the crossroad lists.

Of course, this road is where two high schools and three business are located, so I've been frustrated by this situation five times now already just since receiving the new maps! Talk about coincidence. Even after owning two different Palm versions and now two different GO map version, I've never encountered something like this. Missing roads, yes. Missing roads that are actually there on the maps, no.

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