Actual route tracking on GO910

Feb 27, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
Tomtom GO910
I do own a TT GO910 since several years, to a (nearly) full satisfaction.

But now I should like very much to be able to retrieve from the device some file containing the info about the real (actual) route I drove in a specific travel during several days. Any file I can use with Google Maps or Google Earth.

It seems to be that, as a standard, the device does not record any of these information (like GPX files, or whatever).

Is there any solution to get this functionality out of the device? Any add'l sw to be loaded?
Do you know whether anyone has talked to the author about the recent problem that 9.400 caused with the alternating screens? I know it impacts my 740 severely, but I don't know if all models have the same issues.
I am not aware of any contact, no.

You can pm him 'over there' since he is a member.
Actually, I don't know of "over there" PM for him, only "over here", and I haven't seen him here for a while. Do you have an email address?
Got it. I'll ask Roussilat if he's aware of this issue yet. I haven't seen him log in here in ages.

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