64 bit Home for Mac

Nov 5, 2009
macOS 10.15 Catalina has been announced and ALL 32 bits will stop working this Fall. When will TomTom produce a 64 Bit version of HOME for my iMac - or does my TomTom GPS become a doorstop?
From your description that is what Apple does with their legacy systems.

Suggest you ask that question of Customer Support and post the reply here to help your fellow iOS users.
From your description that is what Apple does with their legacy systems.

Suggest you ask that question of Customer Support and post the reply here to help your fellow iOS users.
From your description that is what Apple does with their legacy systems.

Suggest you ask that question of Customer Support and post the reply here to help your fellow iOS users.

Maybe you don't understand. The operating system I am talking about is NOT for the iPhone - it is for the iMac. Apple announced several years ago that in the future they will be sunsetting all 32 but programs. This was to give developers time to update their programs. So far TomTom has not done so.
I don't understand. Is every single one of your 32-bit programs updated free of charge to a 64 bit program?

Why are you blaming TomTom that they will not adjust themselves to platform change decisions made Apple by.
Until 6 months ago TomTom updated the OS for legacy systems from way back. Can that be said for Apple?
The dwindling numbers of TomTom devices that use HOME do not justify the man hours in development cost because Apple decides to make changes.
HOME works extremely well on my Windows 10 64-bit OS.
Hi , I contacted TomTom regarding TomTom home for my Mac .
I have a MacBook Air and just upgraded my operating system to Catalina 10.15 64 bit
They said there was a new TomTom home download available that would work for my Mac They sent me the download link and I installed it .
The program installed ok but will not open .
The new version works fine on windows 64 bit
You aren't alone, Paul. I assume the link they pointed you to was this one? >> http://download.tomtom.com/sweet/application/home2upgrade/home2latest/TomTomHOME2mac.dmg
See the discussion on the corporate support board here >> https://discussions.tomtom.com/en/discussion/1118138/tomtom-home-macos-x-catalina/p3
Probably worth following that one as well.

Hi canderson
Yes ,that was the link they sent me .
I rang Tom Tom today and finally got the Helpdesk to refer this issue to second line
Support and program developers.
They have assured me they will sort out the program to work and release another update of TomTom home .
I’m not sure how much priority will be put on this .
I will update when they contact me
Regards .paul

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