620 Pro Wifi

Jul 10, 2023
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
620 Pro Wifi
Good evening all!

I am new here but I am struggling to find any sort of support for my issue so i thought i would see here.

I have a 620 pro WIFI however. every time i go into the settings and tap on WIFI it says in order to see possible connections please turn on WIFI. i thought this was quite strange and i have hunted all through the settings on the device as well as run two separate resets of the device to no avail.

Am i being a touch silly here and missing something entirely or do i need to send my unit back?

Thank you for responding,
Granted, mine's not a Pro model, but hey ... that's just crazy! You'd think the thing had an 'airplane' mode or something, yeah?

I assume this is a recent problem that just popped up, not one you've had all along, and that WiFi was working before.
May I also assume that if you go to 'Setting's / '?' / 'About' and scroll down to 'Data Connection', it says "None"?

Let's start from square one. What kind of 'reset' did you perform twice? Can you describe the steps you took?
@canderson Hello!
thank you for your reply, i have reset the device back to factory settings twice now through the unit itself as well as through my drive on my PC.
This is a recent development with the device as it did use to connect to the WIFI but now nothing. i do actually think its an issue with the WIFI antenna within the device as apparently the device is stating that WIFI is permanently off.

i do appreciate the insight into this however and thank you for your time,

@Big Trucker G Disconnect the GPS unit from a computer and check again on the Wi-Fi screen. If no change, then contact the TomTom support team. They will take care of it 😜
@canderson Hello!
thank you for your reply, i have reset the device back to factory settings twice now through the unit itself as well as through my drive on my PC.
This is a recent development with the device as it did use to connect to the WIFI but now nothing. i do actually think its an issue with the WIFI antenna within the device as apparently the device is stating that WIFI is permanently off.

i do appreciate the insight into this however and thank you for your time,

If the WIFI is deactivated to download maps in my opinion it means that you are no longer connected to your WIFI at home, enter your identifiers again. https://help.tomtom.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360013899580-Mettre-à-jour-votre-GPS-via-Wi-Fi-
It sounds as though the firmware can't "see" the WiFi chip. Not good. If you depend upon custom POI, none of the current generation devices support that feature.

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