Upgrade to V8 NavCore (Firmware) and Mapset?

Aug 19, 2008

I was recently told I should update my firmware to the 8.010 version and also update my mapset to V8 (or the most recent).

So, my next quesiton--how do i update my firmware and my mapset? (I just bought the unit so I should be within the 30 days of a free update). But when I go to TomTom Home and try updating my maps--it tells me nothing is available....

Any ideas?

Use Home to update my go and firmware 8.010 should be offered. If you want it, just check on download and it will download it and install.

As for the map, if your map is 7.20, there is NO version 8 available for 720 users at this point. For a while, TomTom was allowing non x30 owners to obtain (buy) version 8 maps. But, they've closed that loop hole.

So, bottom line, you CAN get firmware 8.010 but you CAN'T get version 8 maps, either free or even if you want to buy them at this point.
That stinks with the map thing...I was hoping to be able to get the IQ maps for the 720 but it sounds like that is not possible now...is that correct
That stinks with the map thing...I was hoping to be able to get the IQ maps for the 720 but it sounds like that is not possible now...is that correct

For now it is......I have heard there is another firmware release on the (distant -- October??) horizon to, among other things, bring back much of the functionality of N7's compass. At the same time (so the story goes), there is supposed to be a new map release for non x30 users that may--just may--even be numbered v9.something.

But........talk is cheap and don't waste your time printing out and laminating the previous paragraph. :) Like most things, it's just bits and bytes in cyberspace, not gospel, by any means.
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Hi, dhn

If I have v710.1584 mpas I should be able to update to 720 maps then right? But when I try to go to TomTom Home it tells me that there are no new updates for maps. Suggestions on what to do?

Also had a few questions on the topics so far:

1) What are IQ Maps and X30 users? (sorry I'm a newbie)
2) You said that a new firmware will bring back some N7 funcitonality like the compass (which I use). Does that mean that updating to 8.010 will cause me to lose options? Which?

Hi, dhn

If I have v710.1584 mpas I should be able to update to 720 maps then right? But when I try to go to TomTom Home it tells me that there are no new updates for maps. Suggestions on what to do?

Also had a few questions on the topics so far:

1) What are IQ Maps and X30 users? (sorry I'm a newbie)
2) You said that a new firmware will bring back some N7 funcitonality like the compass (which I use). Does that mean that updating to 8.010 will cause me to lose options? Which?


The Latest Map Guarantee is often flakey. Call Support and if you started with the 7.10 map and are within 30 days of use then, yes, you should get the 7.20 map as an update.

IQ routing functionality refers to version 8 maps AND x30 units (which means 730's or 930's) AND firmware 8.x. IQ refers to the feedback of actual experiences in driving by users to TomTom on roads such that although the imbedded speed limit for a specific road may be 60 miles per hour, feedback from users shows that on weekdays the speed people are going is 45 mph and on weekends, the speed is 70 mph. The firmware in those units will take the 'real' speed into consideration when planning a route when the choice selected is 'fastest'. So, weekdays the route may not include that road and weekends, it might. That's the theory, anyway. :)

Yes, upgrading to firmware 8.010 wrecks the functionality found in Navcore 7 firmware. In N8, the compass is smaller and ONLY points north.

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