Transfer favourites from tomtom one xl to tomtom xl iq routes?

Nov 15, 2009
Just new here. Just wondering if anyone knows how to transfer favourites from a tomtom one xl to a new tomtom xl iq routes. I am having a great deal of difficulty.Any help at all would be greatly accepted.
Thanks in advance GAreth, Northern Ireland
Here is a 'how to' (courtesy of SuperMod, mikealder) on converting favourites to a custom .ov2 poi file.

Once that is created, simply copy the new .ov2 file to the specific map folder on your new unit.

The advantage of this method (creating a custom .ov2 file) is that whenever a new map is released (like within the next week or so :D ), you just copy the .ov2 file [along with any other custom ones you've downloaded or created] from the current backed up map folder to the new map folder.
Another option (which doesn't always work) is:

1) copy mapsettigs.cfg from your old device's map folder (eg: UK&ROI) to your new device's folder
2) before disconnecting the new Tomtom from the computer, go to HOME, "Operate my XL", and rename a favorite.
3) then try disconnecting via the blue button in Home.

This keeps the lcations as actual Tomtom favorites. More convenient, but less portable, than the POI route.

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