Tomtom XL350TM

Nov 29, 2010

I recently got a TomTom XL350TM (w lifetime map updates) from BestBuy which was available in the Black Friday deal. I took my newly purchased gadget for a long drive over the weekend and found 2 problems with it.
1. Text to speech : The gadget did not speak at all when I was on freeway - even when the exits were nearing or when the roads forked. This was annoying because I could not afford to switch my attention to the GPS display very often while driving on not so straight freeways :( The gadget spoke a little after I entered my residential zone ... where I technically did not need any road guidance :p)
I tried to browse through all the settings available in the GPS and I could not find any option that will enable speech before 1-2 miles of changing roads.
Am I missing something that needs to be set in the GPS to enable the speech for every 1-2 miles before the road turns/ lane changes??
Also, there were times during the drive when I heard the GPS speaking incomplete texts... such as "turn right" and goes silent.

2. I noticed that 1-2 times a portion of the GPS went blank/distorted and did not display properly ... similar to the distortion you would see on a laptop monitor which just went bad... with those colorful pixels in selected region. Encountering these issues while driving in a freeway is very horrible
Did anybody face this problem? Is this a known issue with this GPS?

Thanks and Regards,
Welcome to TTF.

The computer voice will name the street for the next turn initially about 1.5 miles away. As you gert closer, it may then just say something like "In 800 yards, turn right" without repeating the street. But your model has Advanced Lane Guidance which will give an indication of where to turn.

I'm not clear what you're describing about the faulty screen.

I do not think, the gadget spoke at 1.5 miles away. Is there any specific setting to turn this feature on?
I have used the older model of TomTom (almost a year now) GPS owned by my friend and that GPS speaks a lot and also, the volume of the speech is automatically increased based on the vehicle speed. Though my GPS is new and is higher version, it does not seem to beat the features that were present in older model GPS. I have already turned on the "link to vehicle speed" in my GPS.

Regarding the faulty screen - I encountered a patchy area in the GPS screen which was completely blacked out for few minutes. Instead of car moving in the lane, I could only see black rectangular section. And since I was driving in freeway and was closer to taking an exit, I could not observe this blacked out screen for too long. After navigating to couple of screens forward, the screen automatically got corrected.

Thanks and Regards,
Vidya -
What your screen is doing is very abnormal and is indicative of a hardware problem in the making. I wouldn't hesitate for a moment to take it back for a replacement.

I recently got a TomTom XL350TM (w lifetime map updates) from BestBuy which was available in the Black Friday deal. I took my newly purchased gadget for a long drive over the weekend and found 2 problems with it.
1. Text to speech : The gadget did not speak at all when I was on freeway - even when the exits were nearing or when the roads forked. This was annoying because I could not afford to switch my attention to the GPS display very often while driving on not so straight freeways :( The gadget spoke a little after I entered my residential zone ... where I technically did not need any road guidance :p)
I tried to browse through all the settings available in the GPS and I could not find any option that will enable speech before 1-2 miles of changing roads.
Am I missing something that needs to be set in the GPS to enable the speech for every 1-2 miles before the road turns/ lane changes??
Also, there were times during the drive when I heard the GPS speaking incomplete texts... such as "turn right" and goes silent.

2. I noticed that 1-2 times a portion of the GPS went blank/distorted and did not display properly ... similar to the distortion you would see on a laptop monitor which just went bad... with those colorful pixels in selected region. Encountering these issues while driving in a freeway is very horrible
Did anybody face this problem? Is this a known issue with this GPS?

Thanks and Regards,

This may be a non-issue by the time my TomTom finished updating software BUT there is a known glitch where you must set your maximum volume at 85% max and UNCHECK the Adjust for Speed (or something like that). Try that and see if your directions and voice improves.

Can't speak for your screen issues but that MAY be the issue with you directions.
Let me try with this setting option. Will come back with results soon.

With Regards,

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