TomTom with option to avoid tolls

Jun 21, 2011
Hey all,

Not sure if this is the right forum for this and I'm sure it has been asked before, but I did a search and couldn't see anything.

Can anyone point me in the direction of a good (but not too expensive) TomTom that covers the UK, ROI and Europe that allows you to avoid toll roads?

I had a look at the Start 20 (TomTom Start 20 Europe Satellite Navigation System: Electronics), but as it's fairly new I can't find too much information on it.

Thanks in advance!
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AFAIK, every TomTom gives you a route planning option for toll roads that provides 3 selections:

Always Avoid
Never Avoid
Ask Me Each Time

Before you go with the Start20, what other expectations/features do you have in mind for a GPS? This one is built around the newer architecture, and not all of the features that will eventually be available are coded just yet. It'll probably be fine for what you need, but it's good to be certain you won't have to wait for something you think to be important.
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Thanks for taking the time to reply.

I'm not after too many features. I basically just need something to get me from the UK to the south of France. My wife likes to see the countryside (and I'm always up for saving money), so I was after something that could avoid the tolls. Nearest petrol stations/cash machines/restaurants is useful, but I guess pretty standard on Sat Navs these days?

I suppose lane guidance is helpful too.

That's about it really.

If I'm being picky, some 'pretty' maps would be nice If I have to look at it for hours on end.

Thanks once again!
It should do fine for those needs, and given that it has the full 4GB of memory, and will support the SD slot later this year, you won't have to fiddle around with segmented maps of Western Europe later, either. The menu interface is pretty basic, but should get you where you're going without problem.

You can download the manual for that unit here:

You'll manage the toll road issue under "Planning settings". The manual doesn't supply the details, but as noted, you will be provided with 3 options.
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Hey! :wave:
I have just acquired a Start 20 and have been looking for information regarding avoiding toll roads on this device also.

Are you sure there is a even a Toll Option on the device?

I went to the effort of installing a custom menu etc, the only way i can get around the tolls is by adding an extra menu item to avoid a part of the route, as this option is not present either.

Adding the "Toll Preferences" item to the menu made a menu appear, but the setting within has no effect on function.

I'm so confused haha. I just want to avoid toll roads on the Start20. Another user on this forum has suggested it just doesn't come with the option.

If anybody has any information on it i'd love to hear! Driving me crazy! :rant:

I posted here to help, as, if that model does not have this option, then you probably might not want to get it.

Thanks :rolleyes:

Added :
After further forum reading, maybe this is a regional problem? But, i'm in the uk also (as is sjw1986) so my reply to them for NOT getting the Start model.
Still stuck here for avoiding toll roads with my start though :(
Maybe i should write a new thread, more experienced forum members..?

Thanks for any information and replies you might have
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OK - perhaps I'm dreaming...

What options DO you get under "Planning settings"?
In Canderson's defence, I also believed every TomTom model had the option to avoid toll-roads.

But this is one of the problems keeping up with TomTom... whenever they bring out a new model, it's left to the enthusiasts (such as on this forum) to try to work out what features have been dropped, as TomTom NEVER mention it in their marketing 'blurb'. :mad:

Unfortunately, I had a test model but sent it back a few weeks ago, so could not check.
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Thanks for the replies!

"OK - perhaps I'm dreaming...
What options DO you get under "Planning settings"? "

I don't think i have "planning settings". The menu options i have on the standard easymenu.

Title Screen Page -
Large Icon - Plan Route. (Goes to Navigate to... page)
Large Icon - Browse Map. (Goes to Map View)

Smaller lower icons
Sound, Night/Day, Help, Options and Done.

Navigate to... Page
Icon - Home
Icon - Favourite
Icon - Address
Icon - Recent Destination
Icon - POI
Icon - Point on Map
Button - Depart From
Button - Cancel

After calculating a route there is a change route button.
Change Route Page
Icon - Avoid Roadblock
Icon - Calculate Alternative
Icon - Travel via..
Icon - Plan New Route..
Icon - Clear Route
Button - Cancel

Options Page
Icon - Change Voice
Icon - Set Clock
Icon - Change Language
Icon - Home and Favs
Icon - Voices and Images
Icon - Map Corrections
Button - Advanced (goes to Advanced Settings page)
Button - Done

Advanced Settings Page
Icon - Set Units
Icon - Operate Left Handed
Icon - Keyboard Pref's
Icon - Disable Safety Alerts
Icon - Switch Map
Icon - Reset Factory Settings
Button - Done

That's the default menu on my Start 2. Almost complete, if not.

"In Canderson's defence, I also believed every TomTom model had the option to avoid toll-roads."

No defense needed! I've already gathered how much of a pain this looks like it can be. I just wish they wouldn't drastically change things so much. Just change the menu's! Keep the functionality there for those experienced enough and have a little documentation on the functions to be included when making your own menu's dependent on what model you own. I dunno!
If anybody has anymore suggestions regarding, please do suggest haha. I'm having trouble finding any information at all elsewhere on the internet, aside from sales.
Thanks again.

Perhaps the OP will have better luck. Based upon the Start 20 (not Start 2) manual, he should at least have a "Planning preferences" menu to work with.

Your Start 2 might benefit from the tweaks described in the sticky that employs the *.mnu trick.

Edit: Whoa - now I'm confused. One of your (h2042) says Start 20, and another says Start 2. Which do you have there?
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h2042... are you sure you've got a Start 20?

It sounds more like a Start 2 to me.

Start 2 has the cut-down menu, Start 20 doesn't.

There *is* a way to add more menu items onto the Start 2, but it doesn't necessarily add all the functions behind the menus.
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Hi what type of sad card I can use n what go ? For tomtom star 20 Thanks
Hi what type of sad card I can use n what go ? For tomtom star 20 Thanks
Connect your GPS to your Mydrive connect account if your GPS is not declared obsolete Mydrive connect should offer you a map to purchase or download.

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