tomtom robbed me of my twenty pounds cashback,is this fair ?

anyone else been robbed by tomtom?

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  • ive been robbed

  • ive been robbed

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Sounds like some sort of rebate program or another.
I'm still chasing TomTom for the £50 cash back I'm owed on my purchase. They send me emails saying it's been approved, then it's been paid ... but it's never turned up in my bank account. It's now way past the 28 working days in which they promise to pay you. I'm trying to chase up by replying to their emails but if that fails I shall be writing in the old fashioned way to their HQ with copies of their emails.

I'm totally unimpressed with their admin and their promises.
Did you call them?:
United Kingdom
02079 490 134
Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Did you call them?:
United Kingdom
02079 490 134
Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Not yet, being an Orthodox Tightarse I hate spending my pension money in phone queues. I'll leave that as a late resort if other approaches fail. I ordered my GO 6100 direct from the TT website so of course it came from The Netherlands which is where they are based so I suspect that calling a UK number won't get me very far. At least I've got all their emails confirming my cashback registration was approved and saying they've made a payment as proof.
Don't be so negative. For what it is worth, the UK number is actually answered in Amsterdam.
Amsterdam beats Bangalore - you can trust me on that...
Well it may be as a result of my posts here yesterday or my email replying to their 'noreply' email or maybe just coincidence, but this morning my £50 cashback has finally arrived in my bank account.

Their email promised payment within 28 working days of the email's date. It has actually taken 32 working days so they were clearly in breach of contract. If you include weekends, that's actually 44 days! They certainly believe in hanging on to your money for as long as they can get away with it.

Just to add insult to injury, I only bought direct from the TT online shop at the full price of £300 because at the time Amazon were showing no stock. Not long after delivery, Amazon had them in stock and have been selling them at £250 anyway. Doh! :(

I wish anyone else awaiting a cashback claim the very best of luck but expect a long wait.
Your posts here won't have produced any action. TomTom doesn't often visit here to read our content.
Your posts here won't have produced any action. TomTom doesn't often visit here to read our content.

That doesn't surprise me. I'm beginning to wonder if they take any notice of their customers at all. Reading these forums, there seem to be an awful lot of customer wish lists and update requests that go unheeded. Ah well, it's only a satnav ... nothing life threatening eh. :)
Reading these forums, there seem to be an awful lot of customer wish lists and update requests that go unheeded.
Why would you even think TomTom is monitoring independent peer-to-peer servers.

Wishes from others should be addressed to the company, not you, one of the users of this list, like us.

You have a rather unusual idea about 'off shore'.
Amsterdam is where TomTom's headquarters are. How much closer can one get to the cat's meow!
Of course it's off shore. You try walking there pal!

There's always the train.

I never did see you explain the details of the program under which you believed you were owned money. Sounds like some kind of rebate plan by TT, but here in NAM, we're not familiar with it.
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One would think that would have been worth the wait!

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