TOMTOM ONE 125 map corrections

Mar 10, 2009
I've been trying where to make the corrections on my ONE 125. It keeps telling me to go right to return to my house, and the house is actually LEFT.

There are 2 Blue Springs Drives in my subdivision. One is Right but my address is to the left.

How do I make the proper corrections.

It seems to take me in circles trying to make the corrections on my unit. It never allows me to make the PROPER correction!

Set your home as a point on the map, so tomtom doesn't get confused by the double-named address.
I found My homes exact GPS coordinates they are

Lat: 42:22:01N (42.36687)

Lon: 88:09:19W (-88.15538)

How do I input this exact data!

Menu -> change preferences -> next screen -> set home location -> next screen -> latitude longitude
TOMTOM125 Map corrections

I followed your exact instructions. ow it tells me the exact lat and long values put me on Acorn Lane.

I live on Blue Springs Drive. There is no Acorn lane in my subdivision.

How do I fix this?

Thanks for your responses!

Both teleatlas and navteq appear to be missing house numbering on blue springs drive for all homes east of cambridge parkway, so you won't be able to navigate to a specific address.

Are you sure you didn't have a typo when entering latitude/longitude? I entered the coordinates in decimal format and it got me to blue scprings drive just south east of the eastern intersection with Key Largo drive.

You could also do the following:
Menu -> change preferences -> next screen -> set home location -> next screen -> point on map

Then you can point to the specific location that you want.

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