TomTom Go 940, Go 940 Live - 1100 or 1300mAh Battery?

Nov 24, 2010
Zurich, Switzerland
TomTom Model(s)
My question may sound stupid, but I'm very confused right now.

I need to replace the battery of my TomTom GO 940.

Browsing the web I found for the GO 940 Live a battery with 1300mAh (1697461, VF8, AHL03714000) offered. For the GO 940 and GO 940 Live usually a 1100mAh (CS-TM940SL, AHL03714001).

The 1100mAh sells normally for a higher price than the 1300mAh battery.

I found no offers for 1300mAh for the GO 940.

So my question: Will the 1300mAh battery sold for the GO 940 Live really not fit into the GO 940?
The Live devices have a 5 pin connector on the battery and the non Live device in general have a three pin plug, that said I have never looked inside a non Live 940 to know exactly which one they fitted.
If you feel confident to open the unit have a look at whats fitted prior to ordering the replacement - Mike
Hi There

Could you please explain how to get inside a Live 940 go in order to see the battery?

It appears mine is due a replacement.


Could you please explain how to get inside a Live 940 go in order to see the battery

Hi Keith, have a read of This Thread where there is a guide on taking the unit to bits - At least on the x40/ x50 range the battery wasn't glued to the PCB which makes the whole job somewhat easier - Mike
HI Mike

Thanks for this reply, could you please let me know. How to order a replacement battery?.


E-Bay is usually where I would start for a replacement cell, just make sure you stipulate a three pin or five pin plug as applicable to your device - Mike

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