TomTom 920T Speaker Replacement - Need Model of Speaker, Where to Find

Dec 31, 2007
TomTom 920T Speaker Replacement - Need Model of Speaker, Where to Find.

Is there a website where a person can purchase the speaker that will fit this model? I would like to get the highest quality speaker I can find in there. Thanks in advance for any help.
If you are looking for quality of output have you considered connecting the TomTom via the Line Out audio connector to the car stereo or better still using the Bluetooth capability? - Mike

Thanks for the input. This is a repair that I would do myself. I know where must be a place online where you can purchase the exact same speaker somewhere.
Thanks for the input. This is a repair that I would do myself. I know where must be a place online where you can purchase the exact same speaker somewhere.
If the voice coil on the thing isn't totally shot, and you have a meter that will read low ohms (or if it's marked, making it REALLY easy), measure it up and compare to the hundreds of possible replacements at DigiKey Corp. | Electronic Components Distributor | United States Home Page. They've got speakers large and small for just about anything.

Thanks. I didnt want to take it apart again and found a photo on the internet of the 920T disassembled.
It shows a photo of the speaker below. I cant rally read it for sure but the writing looks like:
4 (OHM) 2W
2 - R43S +
I tried entering that info at google and came up with nothing useful. Has anyone heard of the company VELD or does that word mean something else?


  • 920T Speaker.jpg
    920T Speaker.jpg
    39.8 KB · Views: 644

That Digi-Key is a great site a ton of speakers and I think maybe I found one that might fit, excpet I dont know the mm.
Digi-Key Part Number P9606-ND Price Break Unit Price Extended Price
Call Call Call

Quantity Available 0
Manufacturer Panasonic - ECG
Manufacturer Part Number EAS-45P36S
Description 4 OHM 2.0W 45MM ROUND SPEAKER
Lead Free Status / RoHS Status Contains lead / RoHS non-compliant
I wasn't inclined to take my 720 apart last night to get the size ;) but now that you're as close as you are, you can get the diameter and depth. I'm not familiar with Veld as a speaker manufacturer, but apart from the precise dimensions, that unit you show above will get the job done nicely -- right impedance and power rating and a decent replacement speaker. Double check the measurements, and you should be good to go with that Panasonic unit.

I meant to ask - what happened to your original?
The speaker seems fine in the unit except it sounds kind of flat and the volume seems low from what I can tell. Sometimes factories put in the cheapest speakers they can get, especially in TV's for example. Itbs been my experience that if you stay with the ohm rating, but get a speaker that has a higher rated wattage, the sound quality improves pretty dramatically as well as the volume, even when the new speakers recieves that same power input as the old speaker. I once cut the wires to a TV's speakers and sliced them to a bookshelf speaker from radio shack, the diffrerence in sound quality/volume was incredible. So its pretty much my intent to just improve the sound quality this way, since I already know how to take the unit apart since replacing the battery.
The speaker seems fine in the unit except it sounds kind of flat and the volume seems low from what I can tell.
I can't speak for the "flat" part, but there have been a few changes in volume over the last couple of firmware releases. However, my 720 can be annoyingly loud over the internal speaker, regardless of firmware, and it's the same hardware as you have. What kind of sound do you get when you run the volume all the way up? I'm guessing you are aware that it adjusts. When you're out and about in navigation mode, press the screen at the bottom left and you'll see a horizontal slider appear as it speaks a repeat of the next instruction. The slider is capable of producing quite a range in volume.

The little speaker that came with your unit is actually a pretty good little performer for its size. Unless it sounds distorted at reasonable listening volume, there may be nothing wrong with it and not much chance for improvement in the space available. Your TV experiment really wasn't a fair comparison -- very different speaker systems involved in the before-and-after.

Alder gave you a good suggestion way up above -- consider a good "line out" connection (there are several options from there) to your car audio if you can. Vast improvement over the internal speaker on its best day.
The line output option is great if you use it in your car or hook it to something and carry it with you. I will probably do that when I drive with it.
I took the unit apart again because I had to see what the speaker was, I was suprised to find that it was rectangular. It meaures 40mmx20mmx(5mm at edge, 10mm at thickest point). I have found possible replacements but did not see on at digikey, even then will digikey sell me one speaker? I found speakers with the same specs at Stetron International: U4020004NC12CAR

and at

AK-402004CC-0 Rectangular Speaker,Oval Speaker, Square Speaker

but I think they only sell in bulk unfortunately.

I would love to find a 40mmx20mm high performance speaker rated at 4ohm 2+ watts somewhere.

I posted photos of the speaker and disassemblyl at

CompuPic Pro Web Index
Neither of those units have a decent "max" power, much less nominal. They both appear to be rated at 2.5W max. Looks like the original was rated at 4W max (all at 4ohms).

So you're saying that you really need this for non-automotive use? There are ear-bud solutions that would work nicely off of the 1/8" line out.
I think this TT has alot of potential to be alot of things, not just a gps in the car. I kind of would like it to be as portable as possible. I have a new battery in it, and have a Gomadic AA extended life battery pack which might allow this to run for 5-6 hours which is pretty good. If I can get the photos to work, then get my mp3 collection on it, then get it to play videos this thing is going to be even more useful to have. I pretty much have to call it quits on the speaker, but the idea about the line out I think will work fine, even for portable use. I found a Coby mini plug in external speaker that I will try to use. Probably not the highest quality sound in the world but hopefully better.
I just recieved that Coby portable speaker..what a piece of junk wow, I mean really low quality bad. I can get better and louder sound by just plugging in a cheap pair of headphones and turning up the volume a bit.
speaker where to find

Hello every one. Ive had my 1 XL europe since september 2007 & am disapointed the sound went completely.Due to being an engineer I took the back off & re soudered the terminals which brought the sound back(to my delight) but it soon became tinny again so I ordered a speaker from info who were very helpful and delivered the speaker next day! The sound is clear but due I think to the replacement being 8 Ohm the sound is a little less audible than the original. I see from some of you guys & I now gather the original was a 4 Ohm speaker. Maplin of the UK is a well known electronics & project company who will order the speaker in but is still 8 Ohm but is half the price (near enough of the first company.) The speaker size is 40x 20x 8mm supplied by the two companies. It will go in after trimming the silicone 'frame' & use a bit of new silicone rubber to mount it. Ebay also has someone who sells a similar speaker but is still rated at 8 ohms but has the plug already fitted for those who do not soulder! but the price is getting on for a tenner plus post. Here's hoping this helps -by the way please let me know if any of you kind folks out there know where I can buy a 40 x20 x8mm 4 Ohm speaker so as to reinstate my tom tom to the original sound level.... Best of regards..
What type of engineer are you? I am a mechanical engineer myself. Regarding the speaker, check out my links posted earlier on in this thread. I believe there are a couple of 4 ohm speakers in with the same dimensions but I could not figure out how to order them. Please let me know if you find a way to order them or another site offering them. Thx

Sorry am I missing something here.....All that is asked is a site that sells Tom Tom speakers...But yet no one actually is able to provide a answer to that question?
Understand that while we have members from all over the world, this is still a US based site; as such, many such requests come from North American members who don't have ready access to getting stuff online from UK based stores.
I dont know if you saw the first page but there were a couple companies mentioned I believe but I would have to check. Digikey is one and Mouser would be another.

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