I hope someone can help.
On Friday I went to update my Go Live 1005, connected all seemed ok so I left it to carry on.
Aprox 2 hours later I went to check on the update progress Message on my screen "We are having technical problems, try again later".
Thought nothing about this, until on Saturday morning we had to go to southern Austria, put my tomtom into my car switched it on screen told me No Maps Found "Fantastic" on returning home I tried to correct the fault, I have tried everything "Reboot until cogs show etc, clear cache, you name it I have tried it All to no avail, it is obviosly tomtoms fault all was ok untill I went to update now all is not ok.
I hope someone out there can help me resolve this, contacting tomtom is as I have found in the past A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME.
Kind Regards,
I hope someone can help.
On Friday I went to update my Go Live 1005, connected all seemed ok so I left it to carry on.
Aprox 2 hours later I went to check on the update progress Message on my screen "We are having technical problems, try again later".
Thought nothing about this, until on Saturday morning we had to go to southern Austria, put my tomtom into my car switched it on screen told me No Maps Found "Fantastic" on returning home I tried to correct the fault, I have tried everything "Reboot until cogs show etc, clear cache, you name it I have tried it All to no avail, it is obviosly tomtoms fault all was ok untill I went to update now all is not ok.
I hope someone out there can help me resolve this, contacting tomtom is as I have found in the past A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME.
Kind Regards,