Tom Tom 820 keeps restarting

Apr 15, 2019
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
I have an 820 which keeps restarting whilst in use. It seems to have difficulties using GPS. I have installed an update called gpsfix but it still doesn't work.
Not familiar with that model. What are the first two characters of the serial number?
The 820/825 are the old Messina project. They are all Nav3 devices.
FA (Live 8GB) or FT (2GB), or FU (4GB)prefix.
I have an 820 which keeps restarting whilst in use. It seems to have difficulties using GPS. I have installed an update called gpsfix but it still doesn't work.
Fully charged, about how long will it run on battery when disconnected from an external power source? And by chance are the first two characters of the serial "FA", or is it one of the other two?
OK. We know what you have now. Let us know how you get on with the battery test.
Once a TT battery is well and truly knackered, even having the device plugged in won't always help. It seems that the device is designed to run off the battery at all times, with charging support to keep it charged. There may come a point where the internal charger/battery just can't keep up with both tasks.

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