Suction cup grip

Jan 14, 2009
We've found our XL 330S losing it's grip on the glass...So I thought to put some water on my finger tips, wiped across the plastic disk,gave it a couple of seconds then wiped it clean...The grip is good again.
I think in a lot of GPS reviews, this has been a known common problem.

I got a airon mount for my second car being that reason. So far no complains yet.
3M fasiners

Believe it or not I use the 3M fassiners both on the inside of the suction cup and on a round disk that I use on the dash. 3M says that its good for 2 pounds. It works really well. YOu just push down and it grips. I am sure you could also use velcro on the suction cup and the opposite on the round disk. Both beat out just suction cup even with water. It never comes off or falls down. The 3M fassiners are about $2.00 at target. I am using it for over one year and the adhesion is real good.
I've had the standard suction mount in two vehicles now for over a year. It's been knocked off twice by the passenger fiddling around with a 3 ring binder.

The biggest trick with these, regardless of whether they are windshield mounted or mounted on smooth dash plastic (as have mine have been) is CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN surface! Windex the glass thoroughly and be sure the cup is very clean as well. Just a tiny bit of dust (or oil, it seems) will prevent it from holding long term.
I use a damp kitchen (paper) towel with a tiny drop of washing up liquid on it to wipe the suction cup. Anything that reduces the surface tension of the water will do the trick, (liquid soap, shower gel etc). Often have the holder extended to it's fullest so a bit more weight for the suction cup to take, never had any problem. One thing to ensure, that the area of glass you use is flat, some areas of windscreens are too concave to get a good seal.
As already said, make sure the glass is clean.



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