Server Move


Oct 30, 2011
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
At some point in the next week (between 5th-12th April), we'll be moving TomTom Forums from the current server to a nice shiny new one :D.

It should be a little bit faster, but the main reason for the move is to make sure that we're able to keep current with PHP/MySQL releases that run the forum software.

The move should be relatively painless, with perhaps ~30 mins or so when I'll need to "freeze" the site so that no content is lost during the move. Once that is done, it will take some time for DNS servers to catch up with the new server location... however I will do my best to make sure that the old server can share the new database so this isn't a problem.

Once I know a little more about when the move will take place, I'll post more here. I'm going to try and wait for a quiet time when not many people are online and then pounce :).
Thanks :).

That may be a little early for me to do the transfer, as I'll need a couple of hours prep - but I'll aim for early morning all being well (perhaps 7-8am GMT). I suspect I can get it done within 15 mins and no downtime, but I don't want to promise too much :D
Faster? Be aware - this is already one of the snappiest forums I view anywhere. I can click on five tabs at the top for a refresh, and this one consistently beats them all!
It's pretty quiet at the moment, so I'm going to switch the forum to read-only mode and get things moved over in the next 10 mins or so.

I'll add a global notice to the site about this :).
And we're done :).

Took less than 5 mins in the end!

Things may be slow until IPS DNS servers update, which should be within 24h. Apart from that, things should work as normal - so please let me know if there are any problems.
And here.
I've been AWOL for a couple of days and didn't notice any difference today.

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