TomTom Servers have been too busy for over a year.

Mar 13, 2013
Languedoc-Roussillon, France
TomTom Model(s)
My TomTom Start 60 is a great device for me but I have been getting the "Servers Busy" response for over a year. I suspect it is a ploy for TomTom to say that my "Lifetime Map Updates" have now expired because I have not updated, as they did with my Rider because I was unable to ride my bike for a couple of years so didn't need to update it. So they stopped my lifetime updates, Stupidly I thought "Lifetime" would mean just that!
I have worked through everything I can find, Reset the device, Re-installed "MyDriveConnect" cleared history. restarted the computer.
There seems no way to email support just the constant circle on the website getting nowhere.
If anybody knows a way to get out of this so I can use my device after the lock-down please tell me or if there are any TomTom Support staff who are prepared to publish a fix and guarantee that this is not a compulsory redundancy ploy. Please get in touch.
While we also see them busy once in a while, it's not a common situation. You're not seeing some evil ploy by TomTom --- you're seeing a glitch in the function of MyDrive on your PC. Wish you had come to talk to us sooner about this!

Let's try a couple of things. First process:

  • If your navigation device is connected to the computer, disconnect it.
  • Right click the MyDrive Connect icon in the Windows notification area or Apple menu bar and then select Cogwheel > Settings.
  • Select the tab Downloads.
  • Click Empty download folder.
  • Click Save settings.
  • Restart MyDrive Connect to check for the updates.Click the MyDrive Connect icon in the Windows notification area or Apple menu bar and then click Quit> Start MyDrive Connect.

If that doesn't get it done,

Keep us posted.
Thanks for the reply @canderson, unfortunately i have done all that two or three times with the same Servers Busy result. Over the past few days after doing all that yet again I have probably tried to download updates about a hundred times with exactly the same result. So having had one device which TomTom refuse to update I obviously suspect that they will try to do the same again. Especially with a company who will not supply email or chat details.
Any other ideas?
I assume Revo uninstaller reported a correct completion?

If so, then I would imagine that there's an issue related to firewall/antivirus going on. You may or may not be aware of it, but your device is actually a little mini-server! It shows up in devices as a network device. As a consequence, the bridge code in MyDrive has in the past been detected as suspect by some firewall and antivirus apps as portending some kind of man-in-the-middle attack. Haven't seen one of those in quite a while, but ...

Try disabling any firewall/antivirus long enough to see if you can get a clear response from MyDrive.
Thanks for your help, I set up another Computer with a minimal operating system over the weekend and installed MyDrive Connect and the update went through ok.
It is disappointing that TomTom do not develop robust software which can report it's problems correctly. I use far more sophisticated programs which work well and consistently.
Thanks again for your help.
Fortunately, the vast majority of users do not have this kind of issue. It would be interesting to know what anti-virus software you are running.

BTW, I have long enjoyed wines from your region. It was a shame that when the government locked down 'what is native' that you were in a strange position with grapes from many other areas to keep France in good supply with wine, but if you look carefully, it has caused a lot of good wines at very good prices. Even the little cooperatives like St. Saturnin (I visited that one way back in 1995) made some very drinkable wines.
Hello @canderson I use Windows Defender built into Win10 backed up with Malware Bytes and a couple of others for specific on-demand scans when required. But hey-ho it is done for now, thanks. I will know for next time.

Yes we live in a great area for wines and are perhaps a bit spoiled for choice. We are in the Minervois region in the Black Mountains surrounded by Vineyards.
We trot down to the Winery each week with our gallon containers and buy it straight from the vat before bottling, €1.30 per litre and exceptional taste. The majority of the local production is shipped to Bordeaux to be mixed with the Bordeaux grape because they can get a higher price.
I was absolutely astounded at what you could purchase from a cooperatives 'gas pump style' filler into a 4 liter 'cubitainer'. I would have never suspected anything drinkable could come that way, but it certainly does!
We just missed you ... we stopped going west at Béziers.

Yes, L.R. gets little respect with regard to the price of its wine. Again, it's a sad history of how L.R. got caught during the phylloxera problem. You allowed the rest of France to keep drinking wine from France during the crisis, but weren't treated very well for all that effort! But it is good for those of us who can find the gems in your area at fantastic prices.

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