?s for In Dashboard Unit in Renault Megane III

Apr 3, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
Carminat TomTom Live
I have a couple (actually more than a couple) of questions concerning the a built in unit that came with a 2012 edition Renault Megane III.

1) where does one find the unit/model/& serial number for the unit?
Note: do not point me to the following (the page and site is of absolutely no help):

2) how does one know if they (received/downloaded) an updated copy of a map during the 60-90 day warranty period? (Note: the date of the files on the SD card that I received with the car where dated from 2010 nothing even close to current.) There are roads that have been around for the past years minimum that do not appear on the map.

3) making a backup copy of the SD card (on to the computer & another SD card when needed.
Note: I copied the SD card onto my computer using Win utilities not the TomTom (Home) application.
I then copied the everything back onto another 2GB SD card and plugged the new card into the In Dash unit and the equipment returned a statement that it was not the proper card (in essence, do not remember the exact words) It also requested that insert the original card. Now what if the original card was no longer any good? What is a person to do?

4) how does one mark (or note) a road that is existing currently into the (in dash/built in unit) (not a portable one, the one found in a Renault Megane III)

5) How does one then go about uploading missing information it so that it can be shared with others that would like to have updated info? (there seems to be questions regarding whether one wants to download this type of information (meaning that it is available for download))

The users manual that came with the car was only about 22 or so pages and proved to be so useless they should have saved the paper.
I have been using a Toyota Prius IV navigation system since 2008 that is proving to be so far superior to the unit installed into the Renault, it is not funny since the Toyota unit was developed 4 years earlier bad marks all around for TomTom & Renault on the support & documentation. The user manual/documentation for the Toyota Prius is 350-400 pages and describes everything. It does not leave any stone unturned or possible question unanswered as opposed to the TomTom manual for the Renault Megane III, where it did not answer anything worth mentioning not even the web site from what I can recall. If the manual Toyota Prius manual did not describe it well enough then the Toyota web site had videos of how to complete the task(s) that one had a question(s) about. When going to the official TomTom site there is nothing for the built in Navigation systems, and I do mean nothing. This was the conclusion that I came to after spending three to four hours at the site. I could not make contact or even leave a post after creating an account or registering at the site.
I've never seen a Carminat in the flesh, so I'm only going by what I see in the manual...

1) where does one find the unit/model/& serial number for the unit?
The menu picture I saw on the Renault site looks similar to the one a standard NAV3 TomTom so try looking for something like "Me and my Device" or "Status and Information" in the menus.
If all else fails, a long press of the power switch (until it re-boots) and then KEEP pressing, should bring up a different info screen.

2) how does one know if they (received/downloaded) an updated copy of a map?
That status page should tell you the map version. Ask here if it's the latest.

3) making a backup copy of the SD card (on to the computer & another SD card when needed.....What is a person to do?
It's on page 49 of the manual (see below for the link to the one I looked at).

4) how does one mark (or note) a road that is existing currently into the (in dash/built in unit) (not a portable one, the one found in a Renault Megane III)
Sorry, don't understand the question.... Do you mean how do you add it as a Favourite?

5) How does one then go about uploading missing information it so that it can be shared with others that would like to have updated info? (there seems to be questions regarding whether one wants to download this type of information (meaning that it is available for download))
Sounds like "MapShare" Normally your corrections get uploaded when you do an update using the "Home" utility program on your PC.
Same for the downloads of other peoples corrections.

Remarks -The users manual that came with the car was only about 22 or so pages and proved to be so useless they should have saved the paper.

The manual I just downloaded for the Carminat is 57 pages, is that any better?

When going to the official TomTom site there is nothing for the built in Navigation systems, and I do mean nothing.

As soon as I went to download the manual, it sent me to a the Renault website. There was at least one video tutorial on there as well as the on-line version of the manual. I didn't bother to watch it so can't comment on the usefulness.
4) how does one mark (or note) a road that is existing currently into the (in dash/built in unit) (not a portable one, the one found in a Renault Megane III)
Sorry, don't understand the question.... Do you mean how do you add it as a Favourite?

Thanks Andy_P for the quick reply. I have downloaded the pdf that you mention in your answer. Sorry for not replying sooner. The info in the pdf was of some help.

With respect to question four. I will explain, There are roads that do not appear on the map (Navigation system map) that are easily 5 to 10 years old that I would like to mark as to the location of where they are with in the system and then be able to upload them (the information) so that they can be shared/used by the larger community at large. I understand that this can be done since there is a question that is asked if you want to download unverified inputs from local users that have been submitted. (if the question is being asked then there is an avenue by which this can be done. no?)

I would like to know all the steps that are required, from inputting the info into the system (NAVi in the car) to being able to upload the info from the SD card. Since I have not seen anything on the web site that would allow one to do this.

P.S. I have looked at the following location for possible answers to the above question, but I am not sure if it applies to the In dashboard models as well? :

Many thanks in advance.
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Looking through that .pdf manual (and doing a word search for "Map Share" I can only see mention of GETTING corrections from others (after a software update). I can't really see any description gor making your own corrections and sending them.

Can you find any mention of "Correct an error" or "Correct a location" anywhere in the menus or sub menus?
I was going to say look on the "blue cursor" button on "Browse map" but it looks like you don't have a blue cursor on the Carminat!
Try on the LIVE menu?
2) how does one know if they (received/downloaded) an updated copy of a map?
That status page should tell you the map version. Ask here if it's the latest.
I have copied the info off of the unit screen as follows:
App: 9,444.634510.500, OS 628172
("NFA 2.0-KZ5", 1-28-2011)
128MB RAM (FREE 76.0MB)
GPS: V1.20, BOOT 55.7716
MAP: 'DE_AT_CH' V855.2938

3) making a backup copy of the SD card (on to the computer & another SD card when needed.
Note: I copied the SD card onto my computer using Win utilities not the TomTom (Home) application.
I then copied the everything back onto another 2GB SD card and plugged the new card into the In Dash unit and the equipment returned a statement that it was not the proper card (in essence, do not remember the exact words) It also requested that insert the original card. Now what if the original card was no longer any good? What is a person to do?

It's on page 49 of the manual (see below for the link to the one I looked at).
Am I missing something, you can not mean that the following is an answer to the above question (this is the closet thing that I found on page 49 or adjacent pages)

Saving your system data
This menu allows you to save your system data to your computer and to restore it.

Customizing your system
You also have the option to customize your system by installing new points of interest and synthesized voices or even by changing the color scheme.

Downloading the instructions for your system
By clicking on the “Read the manual for my Carminat TomTom” icon, you will access the full user manual for your system.

We strongly recommend that you save your system data on a very regular basis.
Saving the data allows it to be recovered if, for example, your SD card is lost.

==> This is so typical of the technical depth that these manuals go into. (they should have saved the paper) <==
This answer was the closet thing to answering the question and it absolutely does not. Nothing else on the page even come close to answering the question that I posed.

Looking through that .pdf manual (and doing a word search for "Map Share" I can only see mention of GETTING corrections from others (after a software update). I can't really see any description for making your own corrections and sending them.
Same as what I saw.

Can you find any mention of "Correct an error" or "Correct a location" anywhere in the menus or sub menus?
There is, but how you do this on the fly is beyond me.

Main Menu: page 2 of 3
-Map corrections

Sub Menu 1: ==> Map corrections
-correct a map error
-correct preferences
-download corrections made by others (I am not sure how you would do this in the car)

Sub Menu 2: ==> correct a map error
-(un)block street
-edit street name
-change turn restrictions
-change road speed
-add or remove rotary(circle)
-add missing POI
-edit POI
-report other error

Sub Menu 3: ==> report other error
-existing street
-missing street
-comment on POI
-highway entrance/exit
-zip code

Sub Menu 4: ==> missing street
-on map ==> if it is not on the map??? (are we marking the position? and how does one go about marking the route of the road? what if the road curves not straight)
-by name
-near you
-near home

I was going to say look on the "blue cursor" button on "Browse map" but it looks like you don't have a blue cursor on the Carminat!
That is correct (there are no buttons on or next to the screen, but there is a joy stick (can be twisted and pushed/tilted towards 12, 3, 6, & 9 clock positions) and buttons that surround it on the center console. (located between driver & passenger seats)

Buttons starting at 12 o'clock position
12 - Back (rtn to previous screen)
01 - context button (w/r/t what is on the screen)
03 - Info - route button (push for longer period of time to activate the second option/command)
05 - menu - set button (push for longer period of time to activate the second option/command) (call up the menu)
0530-light - dark (push for longer period of time to activate the second option/command) (screen brightness)
0630-repeat - mute (push for longer period of time to activate the second option/command) (w/r/t audio information)
07 - destination - home (push for longer period of time to activate the second option/command) (mark/inform of destination)
09 - map - 2D3D (push for longer period of time to activate the second option/command) (put the map in 2D or 3D)
11 - context button (w/r/t what is on the screen)

Try on the LIVE menu? will do for the next time.
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App: 9,444.634510.500, OS 628172
("NFA 2.0-KZ5", 1-28-2011)
128MB RAM (FREE 76.0MB)
GPS: V1.20, BOOT 55.7716
MAP: 'DE_AT_CH' V855.2938

You do not have the latest map. Current latest maps are v885. Version numbers go up in 'fives' (855 - 860 - 865 - 870 - 875 - 880 - 885) and there are four releases a year. So your map is nearly two years old.

Am I missing something, you can not mean that the following is an answer to the above question (this is the closet thing that I found on page 49 or adjacent pages)
No point asking me.... you have the relevant menu in front of you, but I have never seen your Carminat system so cannot guess what instructions, if any, are on the menu screens on the unit.

This answer was the closet thing to answering the question and it absolutely does not. Nothing else on the page even come close to answering the question that I posed.
You certainly know how to make friends don't you?
I repeat, I've never even seen your system, Do you realise we are not TomTom employees? We have no magic insight that you don't, we are just ordinary users just a fair amount of experience with ordinary TomTom units.

(Mapshare) There is, but how you do this on the fly is beyond me.
Where you do it is entirely up to you. Most people would not attempt to make a complicated map correction while driving. Personally, I just quickly mark the location as a Favourite and do the actual corrections at home

-download corrections made by others (I am not sure how you would do this in the car)
On every TomTom I've owned, you don't. You need to connect the TomTom to a computer which has internet access. Can you not remove your device from the car?
I update the maps once every few weeks while sitting in my house.

Sub Menu 4: ==> missing street
-on map ==> if it is not on the map??? (are we marking the position? and how does one go about marking the route of the road? what if the road curves not straight)
You are NOT trying to draw the exact shape and position of the road. Your drawing would never be used as the actual correction.
For major changes like a missing road ALL you are doing is reporting there is something wrong in this approximate location. TeleAtlas would always survey the actual road before they draw it on a newer version of the map.

Don't overestimate what you can achieve with MapShare, all that you can actually CORRECT on your own map and share with others are the very minor things such as changing name or the speed limit of a road, making it one way (or "no-way" - which is how you block a road section) and stopping/allowing the left and right turns at a junction.

Any major corrections such as adding new roads and roundabouts are only REPORTS of a problem, which TeleAtlas will look at at some time in the future.
Original Question....
3) making a backup copy of the SD card (on to the computer & another SD card when needed.
Note: I copied the SD card onto my computer using Win utilities not the TomTom (Home) application.

I then copied the everything back onto another 2GB SD card and plugged the new card into the In Dash unit and the equipment returned a statement that it was not the proper card (in essence, do not remember the exact words)
It also requested that insert the original card. Now what if the original card was no longer any good? What is a person to do?

In essence how does one go about making a backup copy that works in the InDash units?

1st Answer

3) making a backup copy of the SD card (on to the computer & another SD card when needed.....What is a person to do?

It's on page 49 of the manual (see below for the link to the one I looked at).

What written on pg49.

Saving your system data
This menu allows you to save your system data to your computer and to restore it.

Customizing your system
You also have the option to customize your system by installing new points of interest and synthesized voices or even by changing the color scheme.

Downloading the instructions for your system
By clicking on the “Read the manual for my Carminat TomTom” icon, you will access the full user manual for your system.

We strongly recommend that you save your system data on a very regular basis.
Saving the data allows it to be recovered if, for example, your SD card is lost.

No point asking me.... you have the relevant menu in front of you, but I have never seen your Carminat system so cannot guess what instructions, if any, are on the menu screens on the unit.

The above being asked and said the statements on page 49 do not address my original question that I raised which
was that the backup copy that I had made was not acceptable to the InDash system.
P.S. This question does not raise any issues w/r/t menus on the unit even though that is what is written on pg. 49 implies. This is addressed later in this msg.

The question raises a question about why the backup copy did not work in the InDash unit when plugged in. All the unit stated was that I needed to insert the original card into the unit. Thus the take away was that the backup copy that I created is of no use, thus what is the use making a backup copy if it of no use (is not going to work in the unit).

Let us examine what is actually being written on pg. 49:

Saving your system data
This menu allows you to save your system data to your computer and to restore it.
<== What menu are they referring to?

If this is reference to the "Tomtom Home" software than the manual should state that clearly, and not state a "menu".
==> But we already know that "Tomtom Home" does not make a proper copy of the card's contents as has been stated in this forum in previous posts. <==

If the manual is referring to a menu within the unit than it should document the path to it. I do not know what menu they are talking about, it does not appear on the InDash unit itself that I can see immediately, and if it not immediately seen, than directions to the menu screen should be stated in the instruction manual.

==> This is what I mean by the how useful the instruction guide that handed out with this unit is. <==

So the obvious question that immediately comes to mind is what menu are they talking about.

Customizing your system
You also have the option to customize your system by installing new points of interest and synthesized voices
or even by changing the color scheme.

I do not see how this is relevant to backing up the system.

Downloading the instructions for your system
By clicking on the “Read the manual for my Carminat TomTom” icon, you will access the full user manual for your system.

Again I do not see the relevance of the above statement w/r/t system backup.

You certainly know how to make friends don't you?
FYI - This is not to say that I do not greatly appreciate the effort that you have made in trying to answer the questions that I have had concerning this poorly documented unit, I DO GREATLY APPRECIATE THE EFFORT. But this medium show the limitations of this type of discourse/written conversation.

- It does not mention what type of SD (SDHD or SD) card that can be used in this operation (I have seen it documented elsewhere what type can be used & I am using the proper type).
- Take what ever is written/documented officially (documented officially from mfg.(Tomtom, Renault)) w/r/t this unit with a large helping of salt.
Tomtom locks maps so that they cannot be copied. If you purchase a map card, the map is locked to the serial number of the SD card. If you download a map update in Tomtom HOME, the map is locked to the serial number of the Carminat (and can be freely copied SD to SD).

It looks like the map you are using was locked to the SD card.

If you choose to purchase a map update for the Carminat via HOME, then you can use a different card. Until then, you won't be able to make a usable map backup if your current SD fails.

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