Reporting Camera Locations?

Aug 1, 2009
TomTom Model(s)
VIA 1500M; One 3rd Edition
I can't seem to find any info on how to report a new location. Can anyone tell me how to do it?

Is this for TomTom's OWN camera database of a third-party one? The procedure is different.
Also what TomTom model do you have? As the process is different for different models too.
Is this for TomTom's OWN camera database of a third-party one? The procedure is different.
Also what TomTom model do you have? As the process is different for different models too.
I believe I have an XL 335; XL for sure and it is a TT database. I can't find any menu option for this service.
I think that's an "Easy menu" model isn't it?

A lot of us refer to those as the models with the "dumbed down" menu, as so many features are missing.
There is a way to go back to a fuller menu which restores some of the missing features:

How to get more menu options on models with 'Easymenu'

... but I'm not sure if camera retorting is one of them as I don't have one of the Easymenu devices myself.

If you don't find a way, I guess you could always store the camera location as a Favourite or POI entry (Add Favourite (or POI) / My Location) and then report it as Lat/Long coordinates toTomTom in an email.

Edit: ... Unless that model can't show coordinates on 'Browse map' either! (is it there as a setting in Options/Advanced on the Browse map screen?)
I think that's an "Easy menu" model isn't it?

A lot of us refer to those as the models with the "dumbed down" menu, as so many features are missing.
There is a way to go back to a fuller menu which restores some of the missing features:

How to get more menu options on models with 'Easymenu'

... but I'm not sure if camera retorting is one of them as I don't have one of the Easymenu devices myself.

If you don't find a way, I guess you could always store the camera location as a Favourite or POI entry (Add Favourite (or POI) / My Location) and then report it as Lat/Long coordinates toTomTom in an email.

Edit: ... Unless that model can't show coordinates on 'Browse map' either! (is it there as a setting in Options/Advanced on the Browse map screen?)

Thanks, I found it. It's: touch the screen, then the more options arrow. It's under TomTom Services. I suppose this makes sense now but I never looked at it before.

Thanks again.

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