Provincial Parks In Ontario

Dec 26, 2007
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom one XL
I have been looking for a good Ontario Provincial Park POI I have seen one around but it was a cvs file and would not convert for me. so if anyone has a this POI please share!:D

I actually was going to make a collection of the provinical parks but figured no one would be interested in it. Could you provide me a link to that .csv file and I will convert it and update it for everyone :)
I actually was going to make a collection of the provinical parks but figured no one would be interested in it. Could you provide me a link to that .csv file and I will convert it and update it for everyone :)

I will do that when I get home from work; Do you think we can add conservation areas as well?
Here it is I hope we can also add conservation areas as well to this.


  • Ontario Provincial
    3.9 KB · Views: 879
Thank you

Thanks for creating this. I was thinking the same thing, that people wouldn't want it . but i guess i was wrong.
Thanks for creating this. I was thinking the same thing, that people wouldn't want it . but i guess i was wrong.

I don't want any credit as I did not make the file I found it somewhere, that being said it would not convert for me.If we can add conservation areas that would be good.
How do you load the .csv file,thanks.

Like I said that file format is for Garmin, you can find a converter online but it does not seem to convert as when i load it on my unit it does not show a map when i select a place to go.
You could always import the csv file into excel and delete the D column, which contains mostly P.O. Boxes for the park offices and is the problem column.
I was thinking just the provinical parks with campgrounds, same with the conservation areas, what do you think?
well I went through the list, and there is only one (operating) campground missing in that list, ipperwash located in Grand Bend.

I tried to find a list of converstation areas in Ontario but it seems there is none to be had. They are all broken down into individual authorites which makes it very difficult to locate all parks.
Please help...

Thanks for the Provincial Park post....I need some guidance as to how to convert the zip file into a useable file for the XL330...any help would be appreciated...very green with GPS, I'm on a heavy learning curve here!! LOL:confused:
Ontario Provincial Parks

Easier way is...
Go to They have an Ontario Provincial Parks POI file. Do a search for it, "Show POI's", then download using "TomTom Direct" option. This will start Home and install them for you. You'll probably find many more you might be interested in there.
Thank you - thank you very much.

I took a different one. 616 Ontario campgrounds. I will have to go through them to see if the Provincials are in them too.
If you are referring to, the site hasn't existed for over a year.

Perhaps You have to register but it's free and you might find what you are looking for there.

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