Newest Maps and USB Problems

Jan 3, 2008
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom ONE 3rd Ed.
Hi there! First time post!

Just wanted to let everyone know about a problem I had with my TT1 v3.

I tried to use the "Latest Map Guarantee," but unfortunately, there is no warning that the map is absolutely colossal. Almost a full gig. So unless you delete the maps that came with the ONE, the new US map will never fit alongside the Guam map.

So what happened was, TTHome installed the Guam map, but not the US/Canada map. Then I started searching forums and found out about having to delete the original maps. Ok, fine. Did that, tried to restore, and suddenly that would not work. I also could not install the new map. Now I'm really freaking out, because not only do I not have my old maps, my new map doesn't work either.

Home kept failing to install the maps. So I tried the direct method. I closed out Home out of the tray and tried doing the transfer via Windows Explorer. NOW I got an I/O error saying, "Cannot copy file, path too deep." So this was why Home kept failing to install as well.

Come to find out, after some research, it wasn't a problem with the TomTom. It's a bug in WinXP SP2 in that somehow the USB2 port gets confused if you have to transfer very large files and you are connected through a USB hub. Apparently people who do a lot of file trading have this problem with their USB external HDs.

So I plugged the TT directly into the USB port on my laptop and wouldn't you know it, there was no problem updating to the new map once I deleted the old stuff by hand.

I know I've seen someone either on this forum or another with similar problems so I hope this solution helps.
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Nice catch Soulcoffr! So many posters blame the TT and Tech support, when their own equipment is frequently the culprit... The latest map guaranty feature does not require deletion of anything. The process overwrites to map on the TT. A purchased map, on the other hand, requires deletion since the download process and file writing uses a different process. Yes these a large files. Never try to download a map with a wireless connection! 75% of the time , you will have a problem. Wireless connections are also 40% slower unless you have a more high end router that lets you bump up the speed.;)
The latest map guaranty feature does not require deletion of anything. The process overwrites to map on the TT.

Well, it kind of does. The problem with Latest Map is that it tries to install BOTH the Guam maps and the ginormous US & Canada map at the same time. It's doomed to fail on the TT1 v3 because there's only a Gig of storage in the first place. I didn't realize that until the only map I had was the latest Guam map and 444M free space. :)

So that coupled with my USB problems caused me a big headache. Had I realized that only one, not both maps would fit, I would have deselected the Guam map, as I will never go there in a million years.

It would be nice if Home had come up with an explicit warning, but I understand that's a nicety.

Overall, my problems we're with my own danged USB port and the USB hub, and not with my TomTom.
Well, it kind of does. The problem with Latest Map is that it tries to install BOTH the Guam maps and the ginormous US & Canada map at the same time. It's doomed to fail on the TT1 v3 because there's only a Gig of storage in the first place. I didn't realize that until the only map I had was the latest Guam map and 444M free space. :)

So that coupled with my USB problems caused me a big headache. Had I realized that only one, not both maps would fit, I would have deselected the Guam map, as I will never go there in a million years.

It would be nice if Home had come up with an explicit warning, but I understand that's a nicety.

Overall, my problems we're with my own danged USB port and the USB hub, and not with my TomTom.

This is not unlike the problem I'm having with my TT720. I've downloaded the latest map for my TomTom 720, however as I don't have enough memory to install it into my device, I first have to delete some content, notably, the original North America map. All of this is done via the TomTom home program. My problem is that after the program has gone through all of its machinations, there are no maps on my device! I then have restore my device which is a pain. I'm going to try this without the docking station. Thanks Soulcoffr!
This is not unlike the problem I'm having with my TT720. I've downloaded the latest map for my TomTom 720, however as I don't have enough memory to install it into my device, I first have to delete some content, notably, the original North America map. All of this is done via the TomTom home program. My problem is that after the program has gone through all of its machinations, there are no maps on my device! I then have restore my device which is a pain. I'm going to try this without the docking station. Thanks Soulcoffr!

Hi there! First time post!

Just wanted to let everyone know about a problem I had with my TT1 v3.

I tried to use the "Latest Map Guarantee," but unfortunately, there is no warning that the map is absolutely colossal. Almost a full gig. So unless you delete the maps that came with the ONE, the new US map will never fit alongside the Guam map.

So what happened was, TTHome installed the Guam map, but not the US/Canada map. Then I started searching forums and found out about having to delete the original maps. Ok, fine. Did that, tried to restore, and suddenly that would not work. I also could not install the new map. Now I'm really freaking out, because not only do I not have my old maps, my new map doesn't work either.

Home kept failing to install the maps. So I tried the direct method. I closed out Home out of the tray and tried doing the transfer via Windows Explorer. NOW I got an I/O error saying, "Cannot copy file, path too deep." So this was why Home kept failing to install as well.

Come to find out, after some research, it wasn't a problem with the TomTom. It's a bug in WinXP SP2 in that somehow the USB2 port gets confused if you have to transfer very large files and you are connected through a USB hub. Apparently people who do a lot of file trading have this problem with their USB external HDs.

So I plugged the TT directly into the USB port on my laptop and wouldn't you know it, there was no problem updating to the new map once I deleted the old stuff by hand.

I know I've seen someone either on this forum or another with similar problems so I hope this solution helps.

So how does one connect directly to the USB port? I took this to mean simply avoiding the use of the docking station, opting instead to use to USB cable to connect to my CPU. Hope this doesn't sound too ridiculous, however I'm not having any luck getting the new map. Many thanks
So how does one connect directly to the USB port? I took this to mean simply avoiding the use of the docking station, opting instead to use to USB cable to connect to my CPU. Hope this doesn't sound too ridiculous, however I'm not having any luck getting the new map. Many thanks

Yeah, the idea is to connect your TT directly to the computer with the USB cable included with your TT. But this may not be a cure all. I also read that some USB settings may need to be changed, but I'm not sure what those settings may be. I didn't dig that deeply because not using my USB hub solved the problem.

If your problem is not related to I/O problems with the USB, you may need to call TT.

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