Newbie needs help

Oct 24, 2006

Got my ONE today and am wondering if there is a way to enter all addresses into my computer and download them to my unit rather than entering one by one? I assumed this was on the software disc that came with the unit but it's not?
Hello and welcome. If you rather not enter favorites into the unit itself, then you need to install tomtom home. This is the cd that came with your unit. You then attach the unit into the computer via USB and run tomtom home. From the program, you select my tomtom icon and it brings up your unit's interface and can operate the unit from tomtom home. From there you can add your favorites (addresses).
Thanks Pedro. I did find this feature in the Home software however I was looking for an easier tool of a spreadsheet/list transfer etc...

The interface does make it easier though and thanks for the info.
No problem. Unfortuanately, there is no other way to add favorites on a spreedsheet. However, rhere are options to favorites. You can make some favorites as POIs. For example, I'm going to make a POI for all my friends and one for my family. I will have a seperate icon to make them differ. Learning to make POIs are simple and fun. I would suggest Download the program (even if it says the netherlands) and explorer the software a little.
I did go ahead and enter my favorites via the "home" tool. A little cumbersome but I'm done, for now anyway! Thanks for the link to poiedit. I'll check it out as it does sound like a great tool.

Thanks for the assistance.
Home is easy to enter the addresses with the keyboard instead of using the touch screen.
Let me know if you need more assistance with POIedit.

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