new voices and phantom menu items


Mar 14, 2007
I installed some of the new voices that were available when I checked the updates. After the install there were some duplicates, but they were marked as different versions. So I uninstalled them and some others, now some of the voices appear in the TT menu as you scroll through the voices but over the picture it says that you can get this voice from either the CD or the website.

So I deleted all of the voices except for one, confirmed that there was only one voice in the "voices" folder. And, then reinstalled the voices. But the phantom menu choices are still there, and you can't delete them from the menu.

Is there another folder that stores this info other than the "voices" folder?

thanks, j
I remembering having sort of a similar problem with my main menu. I turned on my TT1 and some options were missing. I checked the preferences and made sure that show more options was enabled but still was missing buttons. I did a soft reset and everything was back to normal.

Have you tried a reset? That may help you out.
thanks, I tried a bunch of things last night, probably a full reset too, but I'll try to confirm it later. I did eventually reload the voices that appeared to TT to be missing with the idea that I might be able to delete them more efficiently on the TT instead of within Home.

unfortunately, they still wouldn't delete from the menu-voices directly within the TT. It's almost as though there are default voices that TT expects to be loaded and when they aren't you get a placeholder graphic that directs you to the CD or download website.

I also tried the reset to factory defaults, but no go.

it's not a real problem because it doesn't effect anything else, just a curiousity.


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