Map View scale on a route Go620

Aug 18, 2013
TomTom Model(s)
Go Live 1534TM
On my old TomTom, if I switch from guidance view to map view the scales were about the same, though I could adjust the scale for one to be different. However on my new Go620, you select a destination and when it has found a route, it shows the entire route. When you start driving, it changes to guidance view. But when you click the little directional arrow on the left above the +/- zoom buttons, it changes back to the map view at the entire route scale. I've only tried this for local routes in town and once for a 40 mile trip, and was able to zoom back to a reasonable scale of about a 1/2 mile in map view with a lot of clicks of the + sign. I plan to take a 600 mile drive soon, and clicking a zoom feature a whole lot of times is not appealing.

Is there a setting or an easy way to move to map view and have it scaled at a reasonable value, say a mile ahead for Interstate travel?
Thanks in advance for the advice.
Have a look at your Settings > Appearance > Guidance View for 2D / 3D options; also Automatic Zoom.
My preference is 3D and Zoom in to next turn.
Thanks Arno. I changed those settings now, but can't check it out. However, my problem isn't with the Guidance View but with the map view.
That little arrow points to true north .
After planning a route I go Drive and my map switches to 3D.
Since I am starting slow and he next turn is very close I have a large map but as soon as I hit the freeway my screen covers over a mile as I am passing an exit.

What is you purpose to toggle to 2D while driving?
To get a feel for the device I suggest you run a few demos, in city traffic and in the country side.

Plan a a route, tap Drive, tap Menu, tap Current Roue, go to the very end, tap Play Route Preview. As you are driving in 3D you will see the scale changing to give you the view to the next turn.
Thanks for the tip on Play Route Preview. It helped me try things without having to get in the car. However, your other suggestions didn't pan out. As an example, take your route to work Set it up like you would normally do. Before you click drive, you probably are in map view with north up. The entire route is shown. When you click drive to start diriving --you can use the Route Preview to see this--the screen changes to guidance view with your direction of travel on the screen always up. You can adjust the scale using the zoom +/- on the left side (I am addressing the go620 lay out) or you can pinch and zoom the screen like with phones. As you drive, the little arrow on the left above the +/- rotates to show direction. But if you click on that arrow it will toggle the screen to map view with North always up.

The problem is that in map view, if you don't do anything, it will stay in maximum zoom out so as to show the entire route--not good if you are driving 600 miles. That was my question: is there a simple way to always be closer to the scale used to see just a mile or so ahead when you switch to map view as opposed to having it show the entire route? That zoomed in map view was what my old Go Live 1534 used to do.

FYI, and with your tips, I think I have a less painful method than pressing the + button a zillion times. Before you hit drive, (or if you are in guidance view, click on the compass button--arrow--to get you to map view) do the following. Move the start location (arrow) to the center of the screen and using your fingers to pinch zoom, zoom into your starting location. (Faster than clicking on the + key.) When you have the screen at the correct scale, --this is an mportant step-- click on the + key and then on the - key, and finally click on the compass arrow. You will then be in guidance view again. However, if it worked right, if you click on the compass arrow and toggle back to map view, you should be zoomed to a display near your location in zoomed in mode as opposed to the entire route. This works for me and I can do it quickly now as I wait for the car heater to start up. I plan to test it for real instead of in preview mode tomorrow.

Thanks again for your responses.
You can adjust the scale using the zoom +/- on the left side (I am addressing the go620 lay out) or you can pinch and zoom the screen like with phones. As you drive, the little arrow on the left above the +/- rotates to show direction. But if you click on that arrow it will toggle the screen to map view with North always up.

The problem is that in map view, if you don't do anything, it will stay in maximum zoom out so as to show the entire route--not good if you are driving 600 miles.
Yes, you can, but why bother.
If you drive to Chicago do you really need to know which of the alternate Interstates around St. Louis is best while you are still in the garage!

For testing, when I got my GO Live 1535 I also tried 2D maps as that seemed to be a natural progression from paper maps but I did not like it and very fast made peace with driving in 3D.

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