ITN and Android Smartphones

Feb 4, 2013
TomTom Model(s)
Android Smartphone
Can we load itineraries (*. ITN) to TomTom (android)?
I know that in TomTom (Windows Mobile) is possible!
I’ve copied some *.itn files into itn folder on the smartphone but I’m unable to reach them!!:confused:
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Custom itineraries are not supported in the current version (1.1.1) of the Android app.

There are lots of undocumented features that partially work (like custom POI, custom color schemes, etc), so it's possible that the folder is a sign that the feature is in the works for a future release.
Itn folder

There's no mention of the word "itinerary" anywhere in the
Reference Guide for the TomTom App for Android ( so I suspect it's not been included.

Did they leave an "itn" folder on there to tempt you? Or did you just try adding it yourself?

I did it...I thought to be similar to the Windows CE system in which a 'itn' folder is not created at installation time but after first itn the system creates that folder!
To me it is a very important fault.:mad:
I've just upgraded (!) from a HTC windows mobile 6.1 to a xperia android and I feel quite disappointed concerning gps alternatives…tomtom very limited and no possibility to buy garmin!:frusty:
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