TomTom One XL - Uploading an itn file help/guidance

Dec 14, 2011
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom One XL
Hello fellow TomTom users

Me and some friends have decided to, next year, bike ride from St.Bees to Robin Hoods Bay and I thought that it might be possible to use a sat nav so that we dont get lost on route however I wanted to create a customised route avoiding motorways and main roads etc. Ive asked around and my partners dad has a TomTom One XL. I dont personally own a sat nav and I am a complete amateur regarding their functions etc so following instructions from the below website:

I have now created the route that we intend to bike ride on using google earth and I have transformed the file it into 'itn' format. Therefore I was wondering whether it is possible to upload the 'itn' file to the TomTom One XL?

I hope it is as i have spent roughly an hour creating the route. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated and it would be even better if someone could post some instructions on how to do this. I have managed to find other articles on this however they dont answer all my questions.

Kind Regards
The TT One XL does have true Itinerary Planning so an Itinerary can have up to 48 waypoints. The .itn file would go in the itn folder, from where it can be retrieved on the unit using Itinerary Planning-->Load Itinerary.

Be aware that if you have too few waypoints, the actual route the unit selects to get from one waypoint to the next may deviate from the route you've created. So, the more the waypoints (up to 48), the less chance for route deviation.
The TT One XL does have true Itinerary Planning so an Itinerary can have up to 48 waypoints. The .itn file would go in the itn folder, from where it can be retrieved on the unit using Itinerary Planning-->Load Itinerary.

Be aware that if you have too few waypoints, the actual route the unit selects to get from one waypoint to the next may deviate from the route you've created. So, the more the waypoints (up to 48), the less chance for route deviation.

Thanks for your reply.

By waypoints do you mean from one co-ordinate to another? So for example when I have been creating my route and I have clicked from one point on google earth to another point, is this a waypoint?
I believe so. A waypoint is a location you wish to travel through on your way to a final 'destination'
Basically, all you are defining in an itinerary is a series of points that must be visited, the TomTom (and Google maps itself) will then make their own decisions on how to get from one to the next.

Usually it will be the same or pretty similar on the two systems, but there's no reason why it HAS to be.
So once you've imported the itinerary into the TomTom, have a look at it with "Browse map" to check it's the same route as you are expecting.

If it's not, you'll need to add a few more waypoints in Google and then re-save it, to "force" the TT to follow the route you want.

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