Installed 8.35 and lost Computer Voices

Mar 27, 2008
I installed 8.35 on my 920. Everything seems ok except the computer voices do not work when selected. All of the other voices work fine, but the computer voices that read road names don't create any sounds at all...not thru the internal speaker, not thru FM.

Has anyone seen a similar problem yet? If so, any ideas on how to fix this?

I did do a backup so I could always revert, but I was considering gettting the new map upgrades to enable lane change and IQ, I'm not so sure I'm ready to go down that road yet.
Hopefully, your backup is with Explorer, not Home. If not, please do one with Explorer.

Then, try a pin reset. If that doesn't work, use Home to remove items from your unit. See if computer voices are listed. If so, remove them.

Now, use Home to Add Voiuces-->Computer voices and reinstall. See if that works.
Unfortunately, it is with Home. I just realized that the new version of 2.6 Home allowed me to do a backup before I upgraded to 8.35 on my unit, but now Home says it doesn't support restoring on my unit.

I am just about fed up with the a$$h*les at TT throwing out crap software. I understand PCs having multiple configurations and have problems like this, but this a very simple unit it's software is a plain vanilla configuration. A couple of POI downloads but everything else is stock TT software......if they're going to use me as a beta tester, at least give me insight into what the risks are and pay me accordingly.

For future reference, how do you do the restore within explorerer....the same as you would any other drive....including system files. I guess I never really thought to do it that way, but then again, I'd never think that software would create a backup and then not allow you to restore.
For future reference, how do you do the restore within explorerer....the same as you would any other drive....including system files. I guess I never really thought to do it that way, but then again, I'd never think that software would create a backup and then not allow you to restore.

Yes, you copy everything just like any other drive, but you have to turn on the "show hidden/system files" option in explorer or else everything won't be copied.

It's probably better that tomtom disabled the HOME backup. The feature often incorrectly backed up devices, and when it came time to restore people often realized that the backups didn't work.

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