How to find the exact model name of your TomTom - Discussion

User profile, France

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I am not in the US nor in UK but in FRANCE. Bonjour tout le monde (hello everybody !).

My TT is a (almost old, the TT support hardly did not dare to write it) Go630.

sn jb244 etc...

See you, best regards

An oldie, but a goody!

I have too many TomToms to count, but I still use my Go720 (I like playing games on it!) and my son still likes his Go520
Which exact model do I have

Andy P, i'm going crazy trying to figure out the answer to this question. First I described it as XL IQ routes, then canderson questioned that and told me that was a european designation. Well, I just read a statement on the net saying that all TomTom units have the IQ rourte feature. Indeed the book that came with my XL says that.

My s/n begins with GJ so acccording to the TomTom prodedure I have IQ routes / XL250 / XL335 / XL350 or one with TTS.

The unit lists all 50 US states, District of Columbia, Canada, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, and United States of America. I found routes in Alaska and Canada, but NONE in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or the Virgin Islands. There are many cities listed in those places but each takes a long time to look up so I just checked a few places in each. Since Hawaii is a state I expected to find routes in the database, but found none in the cities I checked.

My complete s/n is GJ6380F02810

Please tell m what I really have. Also, is the adhesive on the back of the disc that is used for dashboard mounting likely to harm the dashboard if the disc is removed (if it even can be sremoved)?
Not all TomToms have IQ Routes capability, but most (or I think ALL), of the newer ones do.

I thought the only models to ever have those actual words in the name though, were the European "TomTom XL LIVE IQ Routes Edition" and possibly a non-LIVE version of the same, but see below....

According to both the UK and US TomTom sites, serial numbers starting GJ are
XL IQ Routes ² / XL 250 / XL 335/ XL 350 - 2GB TTS*

The first name is European and the rest are all American.

Now, the little "2" after the European name is very significant. All of the "2" models are quite different from their original versions and have the simplified menu structure and skome missing features. Some of the original menu structure can be restored by adding a custom menu. (See he forum for some hints on those).


Gentle heat from a hairdryer or proprietary 'label remover' liquids should be able to lossen the adhesive safely (but obviously check either method in an inconspicuous area first).
Which model do I really have?

Hi Andy_P,

I appreciate your willingness to reply but it's still not clear to me which model was in the box when I got it. Obviously I don't still have it but I'm pretty sure it didn't show that quoted list you mentioned from the lookup tool. And do all of those models (250, 335, 350) have TTS? I'm satisfied that mine is one of those three, but which one? Are they all the same, but why have different model numbers if that were the case? As I said, my unit lists all 50 US states, District of Columbia, Canada, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, and United States of America (one huge route?)

I looked for routes in other than the 48 contiguous states and found routes in Alaska and Canada, but NONE in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or the Virgin Islands. There are many cities listed in those places but each takes a long time to look up so I just checked a few places in each. Since Hawaii is a state I expected to find routes in the database, but found none in the cities I checked.

My complete s/n is GJ6380F02810

Hoping you can clarify this for me.

Sorry, can't say any more than I already have. I am UK-based and have never even seen a 250, 355 or 350 model.
which model do I really have

Well I'm here today to correct some misinformation I posted earlier about my XL. Consider this partial quote from my earlier post on this subject:

"As I said, my unit lists all 50 US states, District of Columbia, Canada, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, and United States of America (one huge route?)

I looked for routes in other than the 48 contiguous states and found routes in Alaska and Canada, but NONE in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or the Virgin Islands"

NOT TRUE! on the latter part of that sentence. If I tell you why I couldn't find the routes it would make me look as dumb as I feel. You can probably figure it out. Okay, I'll give you a hint. The TT doesn't plan routes over water. Hmm!
Not all TomToms have IQ Routes capability, but most (or I think ALL), of the newer ones do.

I thought the only models to ever have those actual words in the name though, were the European "TomTom XL LIVE IQ Routes Edition" and possibly a non-LIVE version of the same, but see below....

According to both the UK and US TomTom sites, serial numbers starting GJ are
XL IQ Routes ² / XL 250 / XL 335/ XL 350 - 2GB TTS*
The first name is European and the rest are all American..
Just so that we don't confuse things further, the XL250 is not a North American designation for these units .. it applies to those in the Australasian area (Australia, NZ, etc.).

TomTom's Marketing Dept LOVES to keep us all confused, it seems.
Which model do I have?

I hate to keep bringing this up but none of the replies has told me exactly which model I have. According to the formula given by Andy_P I have a
XL IQ Routes ² / XL 250 / XL 335/ XL 350 - 2GB TTS
since my serial number begins with GJ.

I guess I'll have to go with XL 335 since XL IQ Routes 2 is european, XL 250 is Australian, and I don't have TTS.

The only thing is that various descriptions of XL 335 that I see on the net say that the map includes Mexico, which mine does not have. I do, of course, realize that not every word in an ad can be taken literally.

Literally, my unit has the 50 states individually, Washingtion DC, a listing for the entire USA, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands.

Should I want to sell my unit I don't know how to honestly describe it. Is it not possible to know? If that be the case, shame on TomTom.

Can anyone, once and for all, clear this up?

When you go to Voice preference, do any listed say computer voice or 'speaks street names'?
Literally, my unit has the 50 states individually, Washingtion DC, a listing for the entire USA, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands.

it may LIST the states individually, when you use the search function, but I'd be 99% sure you actually have a single US-wide map , and MAYBE a second one for the outlying islands.

How many maps are listed when you go to "Switch map" or "Change map"?

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