Hampton Inn - 1.3

Aug 30, 2006
Downey, California
TomTom Model(s)
GO 910, ONE V2, GO 920 GO 730 & iPad TT App
1.2 3/18/07: Updated with Sacramento, San Francisco, parts of Los Angeles.
1.3 4/9/7: Update made by mprasek - Official locations of US and Canada
Revision 1.3

Unzip files to your TomTom's North America or US_and_Canada folder


  • Hampton Inn.zip
    31.4 KB · Views: 1,350
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Hi Pedro,

I will use this one all the time. One thing though. The icon shows up as a red box. When I downloaded it, I saw the correct icon in the folder. But when I copied it over, the icon on my map shows up as a completely red box. Any ideas? Do you think the file corrupted somehow during the copy process? Thanks!
the image file is either too big or it has too much resolution. I can edit it and re-upload this.
Anyone else experiencing fanchee's problem?
Hey Pedro,

Is this because of my ONE vs. a 910? Just wondering, because I've had no problems with any of the other icons you have provided. Thanks again for your work on these POIs!
I tried to put it in my ONE and I also got the red box. Then I checked the size and resolution, it was ok. Finally, I was going to make another icon until I noticed the file names don't match!
I fixed it. You can just rename the file on your end to match.
One one Hampton Inn in database

Tried to download this twice. Only one Hampton Inn in database 2000 miles away. Same thing both times. Could you check the database?

Updated Hampton Inn

Contacted Hilton Hotels, and they emailed me an Excel spreadsheet with all Hampton Inn addresses for US and Canada. It contains 1398 locations. Here is the OV2 file along with Pedro2NR's original BMP image.
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Contacted Hilton Hotels, and they emailed me an Excel spreadsheet with all Hampton Inn addresses for US and Canada. It contains 1398 locations. Here is the OV2 file along with Pedro2NR's original BMP image.

Very Nice. So they gave you the addresses as well as the co-ordinates?

They gave me the addresses. I used a website to batch convert to addresses to lat/long values. (Sorry, I'm not "allowed" to post links yet.) Google "Steve Morse" organization. That might help you find it.

Site gave me all but about a dozen locations. Used Google Earth to get coordinates for the missing ones.
They gave me the addresses. I used a website to batch convert to addresses to lat/long values. (Sorry, I'm not "allowed" to post links yet.) Google "Steve Morse" organization. That might help you find it.

Site gave me all but about a dozen locations. Used Google Earth to get coordinates for the missing ones.

I see, to bad it doesn't include the co-ordinates would've made our job easier haha.

I searched for "Steve Morse" but get what looks like a music band. Also, the site you speak of, is it reliable?

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