Green marked areas in different maps of Germany [Solved]

Mar 10, 2023
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/de.png" alt="Germany" /> Germany
Hi All.

I am new to this forum since TomTom closed the german part of their own company forum.
Hope I could get help also here.

Using a brand new Samsung S23 Ultra 1TB since it's market start.
Last week I installed the weekly map update for TT App GO (not the Amigo).
All updates for Android13 and TT App GO+Maps (3.6.128) are installed.
Since that time I get a green marked area presented when the TT App is started.

First guess was "Umweltzone" (environmental zone), but there are no warnings in the App when entering the green area.

Can someone from Germany acknowledge the special effect around Duesseldorf?
ZoomIn and ZoomOut could get the effect, also for Dortmund and Duisburg.

Many thanks and best regards.
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Your guess is right, they are low emission zones.

Have you enabled them in Settings > Sounds & Warnings > Alerts & Sounds?
There isnt any point visible in the GO app for Android to enable/disable the zone warnings as mentioned above.

But for a camper car (I dont be a owner of that) app a voice+visual warning could be enabled.
"The option can be enabled in Main Menu > Settings > Sound > Alerts & Sounds > Low Emission Zone warnings"

In contrast on Amazon "GO Camper 6" I found the information that "Tom Tom doesn't do Low Emission Zones on any device."
So what's right now?

I also tried to change the cars profile from hybrid (petrol+electric) to pure electric.
Then restarting the app.
The green area wont disappear.

So your supposition could be right.
The new types of maps will be delivered to the mobiles (Android+iOS) including ALL information independent from the users type of car.

Thanks for the hint.
In your iOS based app this is working as described and therefor expected?
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In the Truck Profile under "Sounds and Warnings - Messages and Sounds " you can switch the warning for environmental zones on or off!
Thanks for that hint.
I am using the yearly paid App for car profile.
There is nowhere in the setup a possibility to deactivate anything according environmenat zones.

"Switch Off" means suppressing warnings and NOT showing the green marked zone at the map?
Ok forgot to write that it works in the beta (3.6.128-beta) version!
PS: You can register for this!
Sorry, I am not the owner of the truck App.
v3.6.128 is always released.
Newer beta available?

My question again: Are you able to remove the green colored outline for a ULEZ / LEZ ?
Because the green outline looks like a street with flowing traffic and no delay/stops.
In case you haven't noticed, you are on an unofficial Tomtom forum
To remove the green outline, you must contact Tomtom customer service.

How to contact TomTom customer support by chat or email
How to contact TomTom customer support by email
Both sites are not operation well ( at the moment? ).

The problem has been solved by myself.
Just changed the color of the map from classic to bright and voila the green outline disappeared.
The ULEZ and LEZ areas both are colored in faint green now, but that's acceptable for me.

@canderson @Arno
Could an administrator or mod. please change the thread title and place [SOLVED] in front?

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