adding music to Go 920, memory space

Sep 20, 2010
I recently acquired a Go 920 and I'd like to add some music files. What kind of memory space is on the internal memory? Do I need to purchase an Sd memory card to add music?
I recently acquired a Go 920 and I'd like to add some music files. What kind of memory space is on the internal memory? Do I need to purchase an Sd memory card to add music?
How much space remains on your 920 will in part depend upon whether you've still got both the N.A. and European maps loaded. With both there, there isn't a whole lot of space left for music.

Assuming your firmware has been updated to something recent, your unit will accept up to a 32GB SDHC card. I doubt you'll need anything near that big, but we do recommend faster SD cards (Class 6) so as not to slow the TomTom down when accessing the card.

You'll want to create a folder on the SDHC card called "mp3" (lower case!) and place your files there. While you're at it, you can delete the "mp3" folder and anything in it from your TomTom's internal memory.
Okay I'll buy a card and give it a shot but I may need some more help when I get it. I'LL be back.
My apologies for bing such a newbie but How do I do this? I bought a class 6 8GB sdhc card. I have songs on my computer. How exactly do I get them onto the card? I have a card reader do I use that? or do I use the Tom Tom?
Use Explorer (PC) or Finder (Mac) and create a folder on the sdhc card called mp3. Make sure it is all lower case.

Then copy the mp3 files from the computer into the mp3 folder you've created.

You don't use Home for this copying but if you don't have a dedicated card reader included with the computer or as a separate device, then you'll have to insert the card into the unit, connect your unit to the computer and the computer will 'see' the card as a separate external drive from the drive represented by the tomtom itself.

So, you just copy the files to the folder on the external unt represented by the sdhc card.

It all sounds a lot more convoluted than it really is...
Got it done! I created a folder called mp3 within My Music on my PC, then I copied that folder onto the sd card using a card reader plugged into the usb port on the pc. Got all my songs on and used less than 2GB of space on the 8GB sd card. I just tried out the Tom Tom in my vehicle using the FM transmitter. Works great!

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