TT910 Case/Protection

Sep 6, 2006
Thousand Oaks CA
TomTom Model(s)
I travel allot and was wondering what cases other TT users liked. I bought a otter box and while that works great and you could drive a truck over it, it is just too damm big to hual around. So that being said what cases would you recmomend. The stock TT case is sad at best. I am just looking for something worthy of protecting the 700 bucks I spent on my TT. The TT would normally be inside my pack or in a jacket pocket.

Any input on this would be great.

Thanks I will go ahead an order one and see how it works.

Once again thats for always being on top of things in the forums. I realy appeciate your help and input.
My 910 kit came with a zippered bag, satifactory for protecting the screen. BTW: I paid $ 444.- for mine after the 100 bucks discount. Will not mention (here!) the vendor so as not to be an unofficial "shill".

My one complaint with TomTom is the failure to include smart pills or Tylenols, still haven't mastered the pre-programming of routes.
You're welcome!
If other members would like, I can do a product review of the TomTom GO Bag and post it on the Review section.
I put my TT in the zip case and put that and all cables I use (power cord, iPod cable, spare mount) in a small travel bag i got with a shaving kit.
Thanks all for you input. I got the TT Deluxe case yesterday and everything seems to fit in it very nicely. I have to say the otter box was cool, and it was neat to have to pry it open after every flight becuase of the plane pressurization. It was just to bulky.

Thanks Everyone.

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