Transfer favorites from tt one 3rd ed. to go 730?

Feb 25, 2009
I upgraded from a tomtom one 3rd edition to a tomtom go 730. I bought the 730 refurbished for $180, pretty good deal I'd say. I only have about a dozen favorites on my one, but I can't see the addresses no matter what I do, and I can't remember most of them. I was already looking around on the tomtom using windows and couldn't find anything obvious that says favorites or anything. I searched this forum and found one about a 720 that said it would be in your "maps" folder, but on the one, it just has 1 file under maps "USA_and_canada.tlv". I could even do them manually if I could figure out how to get the one to show me the addresses. I go to "manage favorite" and it only allows me to edit the names or delete them. If i navigate to each favorite, it doesn't even show the adress, just the favorite name. Of course if there was a file I could copy over, that would be great also.
Favorites and some other data is contained in a file called "mapsettings.cfg" which resides inside the map folder. simply copy it into the map folder on your new unit.

at one point I think some firmware versions would not recognize earlier mapsettings.cfg files, but forget what firmware that was. at any rate you cannot hurt anything by copying this file. it should work.
There should be tons of files in the map folder with a .dat extension. Some versions of windows hide .dat files. You have to check your windows explorer settings and enable "show hidden files and folders" and uncheck "hide protected operating system files"

The mapsettings.cfg file should be in the root folder of the one. Maybe windows is also hiding it.
Ok, I figured it out, thanks for the help. It was in the folder "USA_and_Canada" which is the name of the map loaded on the tt one. I was looking in the folder "maps" and nothing but the map file was there. The "mapsettings" file was in the "USA_and_Canada" folder, now I just have to plug in my 730 and copy it over, thanks again.
Make sure you copy it into the map folder in the new tomtom and not the root. That folder will have the same name as the map actually on your new tomtom.

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