Transfer Favorites from TT-Mobile to Iphone

Sep 28, 2010
I just bought an iphone and TomTom and now I am wondering how I can transfer my favorites from my old TomTom(WinMobile-Version) to the new Version on Iphone...
In Windows Mobile TomTom stored the favorites in the file MapSettings.cfg
My Iphone is Jailbroken, so filetransfer would be no problem.
But I couldn't find the MapSettings.cfg on my Iphone. It seems to store it differntly.

There is a tool called CustomPoiUtility where I can input new POIs, but this would be too much work.
But it shows me that it is possible to access this data on the Iphone-TomTom.

Anyone knowing something about this?


Are you looking in the map folder for the mapsettings.cfg file?

Yes, it's the Wetsern_Europe folder with the cline, cname, cnode etc. files.
But there is no MapSettings.cfg. Just a mapinfo.dat. But this file holds just some byte (i guess to identify the map).
Well, the iPhone experts will be along, I'm sure........

Check back into this thread.
I noticed an interesting thing, that could be of help.
Curious as I am I copied the old MapSettings.cfg to the Iphone maps folder.
The result was, that he cleared my favorites that I entered manually so far :( but didn't show the old favorites from the file.
I get an empty favorites screen, even if I delete the MapSettingsfile from my Iphone again.

But this shows, that the Iphone software still recognizes the old MapSetting.cfg and does "something" with it !?

ok, found a (bad) solution by myself:
- Install Freeware program PoiEdit on your PC
- Load MapSettings.cfg from old TomTom Installation
- Save as MyFavorites.OV2
- Copy to Iphone-Maps dir
- In TomTom View the Map, change options to show just your
MyFavorites-POIs .
- Zoom out and select every POI then click on blue right button
and add to favorites.

=> Still some work but better than nothing

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