Satnavs for golf gps

May 1, 2019
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Hello everyone,
With old satnavs no longer being supported and what I believe TomtTom no longer selling the golfing devices - surely it's a no brainer to use the old devices for golf gps? Have a decent touch screen ONE - is it possible to download golf course maps or the tomtom golfer software to the satnav?

I know Garmin have excelled in this field and so many golfing apps for smartphones but greatly drain battery power - if it came to it I'd be happy to pay for a one off map fee to download golf course info.

Missed a trick?
Compared to what is available, a ONE would be rather bulky for that purpose. I also agree that the phone apps for this purpose are real battery drainers.

TomTom used to sell a very nice golf watch --past tense -- but there is that and a host of other good options that keep courses updated regularly and are a real help in establishing distances to traps, green centers, etc. They offer MUCH more than just a map, and with just a map, determining distances would still be impossible given the firmware on a ONE.

If you pick up a used TomTom version, I can advise that they are still providing course updates. I get one every couple of weeks.

However, the equivalent to the lower end TomTom (Garmin 'Approach S20') is still a current product, and available for less than $150.
Agree it may be bulky but clipped to a bag or cart - I have an Approach S20 and more than adequate - but disappointing can't recycle the ONE
Yeah. But there have never been ANY golf maps built by the team for this platform.

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