MyDrive Connect "waiting for device"

Jan 31, 2023
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/fr.png" alt="France" /> France
TomTom Model(s)
GO5100, GO Premium X
Since the recent (maybe August 2022?) update to MyDrive Connect for Mac, it no longer updates my GO 5100 (NAV4).
A previous version used to operate correctly, but now it forces an update to the latest version of TomTom MyDrive Connect which doesn’t work.
The GO is recognised and appears in the MDC screen. The available updates are listed of which 1 is mandatory - the software update.
The update downloads and is checked by MDC, which then says "waiting for your device" for ever.
The GO is connected (obviously) and shows up in the network settings as it should.
I've been in discussion with TomTom support since August to try and resolve this without success.
Following their instructions I have reset the device, which now means no maps are available.
I also did what TomTom support called a clean install which used MDC and worked, hence proving that MDC can see and communicate with the GO, but this did not solve the problem.
Now I can do nothing with the GO. It starts up normally, but it detects that no maps are available and tells me to go and get a map from the TomTom store (I bought lifetime maps with the device). But I cannot load any maps because the first thing MDC requires me to do is update the software, and that fails.
I've convinced myself that the problem lies in the recent update to MDC for Mac, that's what the logic of the situation tells me, but I'm surprised that no-one else seems to be complaining of the same behaviour as this tends to undermine my position that it's an MDC problem.
Might someone have some further suggestions of things to try please?
Thanks for reading!!
Thank you for a super fast response!
I should have included:
I have tried with three different cables, including the one supplied with the GO.
I have tried with two different computers, both Macs, running the same version of MDC.
I have tried the update with and without the card inserted.
I've deleted the MDC caches both through MDC in settings, and by using the OS to delete all the TomTom folders.
I would like to be able to install a map, any map , but I cannot until I have installed the GO software update, and I can't yet do that!
I am curious to know ...

When MDC shows a device type that appears to match your 5100, does the serial number that MDC shows actually match the number on your 5100? Execute MDC without your device connected, and compare the serial number that MDC displays vs. the one printed on your device.

If all looks OK, I'd still recommend:

Use the trash can at the bottom of the displayed device. Then use the "Add a Device +" in the upper right corner of that display to re-add your device to the list.
Thank you for that thought. Yes the numbers do match, but I had wondered about deleting the device in MDC and re-adding it. Must be worth a try, what's to lose!
I'm not too hopeful as MDC had always worked with the same data before the "recent" update, but it has to be worth a try. I've been avoiding it because of potential hassles with re-establishing the device - if it ain't broke etc. - but it is broke!
I think you have to try several options.
try installing the update from a computer running Windows.
For the record, there is no "Add a Device +" in my version of MDC (maybe on a Mac it's different?). But plugging the device into the computer made MDC ask if I wanted to add the device, to which of course I readily agreed!

And then MDC sat there, apparently endlessly, trying to add the device.

So just when you think things can't get any worse, they prove you wrong

But, looking on the bright side, MDC does seem to be downloading a load of files so we'll see what happens ...
If I had a computer running Windows then yes, I would try that too. But I haven't.
For the record, there is no "Add a Device +" in my version of MDC (maybe on a Mac it's different?).
That will only appear if you run MDC without your device connected. It should be in the upper right of the block that shows your existing device and serial number. I'm not sure how it translates en Français. Possibly "Ajouter un appareil +" or "Ajouter un périphérique +" or something similar.
I did run MDC without the device connected, and there was no "Add a Device +". I was starting to get worried <smile>, but when I connected the device it asked if I wanted to add it.
I did run MDC without the device connected, and there was no "Add a Device +". I was starting to get worried <smile>, but when I connected the device it asked if I wanted to add it.
If there aren't yet any devices associated with MDC, then no, there's no "Add a Device". It asks differently for the first device.
But since it asked, and you added, there's no reason to delete / add again.
One further clue which might be relevant: I deleted the device from MDC and am in the (slow) process of adding it back. MDC recognises the device as GO 5000 and not as GO 5100 which what it is.
It does not matter
the GO 5000 and the GO 5100 start with the same serial number, only the speed cameras are for life on the GO 5100.
Well, it might matter, if TomTom only recognises the device as GO 5000 then I lose speed cameras for life.

My point was that I found it strange that MDC mis-recognised the device, if it can't even get that right then what hope is there
Meanwhile MDC is still trying to add my device.

During the discussions I have had with TomTom support, I was asked to access the device over http from a browser, using

This worked and provided a string of parameters in return. Has anyone any knowledge of other commands one can issue to the device over http?
The most important thing for you is that you have the possibility to update again

Subsequently, if you no longer have the speed cameras, contact customer service to have them reassign the life speed cameras to you.
Meanwhile MDC is still trying to add my device.

During the discussions I have had with TomTom support, I was asked to access the device over http from a browser, using

This worked and provided a string of parameters in return. Has anyone any knowledge of other commands one can issue to the device over http?
On GO 5100 you don't have access to the internal memory, so you can't add anything.

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