Latest Upgrade disables 720!

May 21, 2008
I had noticed my 720 was having huge issues connecting to the satellites; up to 10-15 minutes. So i was quite stoked that the latest update had the update to speed up this process. I installed, all says it went well, but i had to restart the unit before continuing on.
I turned it off, and it hasn't come back on since. It charges in the cradle when plugged into the computer so it's not fried. But even holding the reset button down for up to 30 seconds does nothing. It doesn't get recognized by the computer.

Any suggestions on how to get this back up and running? i am sure it's so simple it hasn't crossed my mind...and yes, i have tried the power button.
The fact the green light is on while the unit is docked doesn't necessarily mean the unit is actually charging. Does the unit turn on while attached to the car charger?

Do you have an sd card in the unit? If so, remove it and see if the unit reboots.
My last couple of updates have had the behavior you are describing. In my case all of my TomTom software and Maps are stored on an SD card, and the internal storage is empty. I have had to reset multiple times, remove the SD card as suggested. Each time it eventually starts up and then I do not have problems from then on, but it is definitely disturbing to got through the cycles of it not wanting to start up.
I am not using the SD card slot; and I don't have a lot of extras installed on the 720 units internal memory.

So if the light is on when in the computer docking station, but the reset button/power button do nothing; what would you suggest?

it might be time to try the official tomtom support.
when you say you are holding the reset button down for 20 seconds, you ARE referring to using a paperclip in the dedicated reset hole and NOT just holding the power button down, correct?

(and using the reset hole needn't be 20 seconds. Just a few seconds....)
finally...after 2 days of repeatedly pressing the reset button & the power button my 720 turned back on. Not sure what the difference was this last time; but more importantly why would this have happened?
Case closed.

TomTom turned back on, great.
Plug 720 into cradle to complete update process originally started 2 days ago...screen on 720 says "would you like to connect to computer. Yes or No"
I select yes.

720 goes dead!!

I can't get it to start up again. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to go down to my car and see if i can plug it in my car outlet since that seemed to do the trick last time.

Why is the cradle that came with the 720 killing my unit since i installed the last update?
When you say "yes" to the "connect to computer" question, the Tomtom does a reboot, similar to a pin reset.

What appears to be happening is that the USB code in your Tomtom is crashing on bootup. When connected to a car charger, there is no data feed (just power) so that may be treated differently in the code.

So one of 2 things is happenning:
1) The upgrade didn't go properly. Either there was bad data loaded to the Tomtom, or the code wa written to a damaged part of flash ram. Unfortunately bootloader code controls the USB, and this code can't be re-installed or downgraded. If this is the case, go for warranty exchange from Tomtom.

If out of warranty (and you've exhausted the options below), you can try using winrar to extract the "system" file only from this cab file onto an SD card, then stick the card into your Tomtom. It will upgrade your bootloader code to an unsupported version and likely void your warranty, but it may fix your problem.

2) The bootloader USB code may be good, but crashing due to unexpected data on the USB line. Try a different USB cable, and different computer, to see if the Tomtom turns on.
alright, here's the update.
After numerous emails going back and forth, TomTom accepted my claim and offered to allow me to send in the dock and 720 itself for a once over/exchange. Got the box back within a week and looks to be a new unit. so first off, THANK YOU TOMTOM SUPPORT! They had no reason to do this since i'm out of warranty. Granted the new unit is also out of warranty, at least this one is working so far :)
They never responded to what issue they found,
Also, thanks for the input above too. Let's knock on wood that nothing else happens. Onto customizing the 720 again!
Before anything, make a complete Explorer, not Home, backup and ensure hidden folders/files are showing.
alright, here's the update.
After numerous emails going back and forth, TomTom accepted my claim and offered to allow me to send in the dock and 720 itself for a once over/exchange. Got the box back within a week and looks to be a new unit. so first off, THANK YOU TOMTOM SUPPORT! They had no reason to do this since i'm out of warranty. Granted the new unit is also out of warranty, at least this one is working so far :)
They never responded to what issue they found,
Also, thanks for the input above too. Let's knock on wood that nothing else happens. Onto customizing the 720 again!

I'd love to know how you got them to do this. I've been in the same boat since March, and never got close to this kind of offer. What magic did you use?

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