Hello ... question on applying activation code using MyTomTom support application

Nov 30, 2011
TomTom Model(s)
XXL 540 WTE, VIA1505TM
Just a new user here introducing himself. Found this place when I was trawling the web trying to figure out how to restore "Favorites" after updating my US-Canada-Mexico map on my XXL 540 WTE device. (Yes, I found the answer here. Thanks!)

My next challenge is to figure out how to apply my lifetime map activation code -- this time for a VIA1505TM device. I use a Mac running OS X Lion (10.7), and it just keep telling me to download and install MyTomTom Support Application (which I have done).

I'm continue to search for answers ... but if any one has any pointer, please share.

Once the MyTT application is installed and you connect to the computer, a page should open where you see a green MyTomTom button on the right side at the top. It is there you enter the email address to register the unit. ALSO, there should be a menu option to input the activation code. Put the code number there.

If you still are having problems, call CS at 866-486-6866 and they can activate from their end.
Thank you, dhn, for your reply.

Yes, I installed MyTomTomSA successfully, saw the green MyTomTom button on the right side at the top, and tried to enter Activation Code there -- multiple times, all to no avail. (Every time, it ended up telling me to download/install MyTomTomSA.)

I registered the device without problem, MyTomTomSA has no problem connecting to the device. But lots of features that I used to expect from TomTom is missing ... e.g., not "backup/restore" function like TomTom Home has (this TomTom-published article says backup/support is not currently possible with the VIA series: http://uk.support.tomtom.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3171/~/backing-up-my-device )

I cannot use TomTom Home to backup or do manual backup for the VIA because when connected to the computer, the VIA device is not recognized by TomTom Home and it does not appear as an external storage at all.

If some knows how to mount a VIA onto a computer and make it appear like an external storage (like my other TomTom GPS devices do, a ONE 3rd Edition and an XXL 540 WTE), I'm all ears!

Otherwise, I am seriously considering returning the VIA -- with TomTom's long standing inability to resolve the issue where after every map update my "Favorites" got blasted away and now it looks like I have no way to backup/restore my "Favorites," I don't think I want to put up with having to manually re-enter "Favorites" every time I update a map.
The VIA model does not appear as a removeable drive on your computer; the user has no access to the file system.

Call CS to activate the maps.
One thing you CAN do with the VIA and MyTomTom is backup your Favourites and POIs.

Go to "Add community content" from the MyTomTom pop-up window:


... and you'll see your favourites are now stored as a standard .ov2 POI file.


Use the"Copy to computer" button to back it up.


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