Go burn in at my OLED screen

Nov 29, 2022
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/de.png" alt="Germany" /> Germany
TomTom Model(s)
Go App
Hello, with my mi9Tpro I found this week on a white and gray screen that the 3 down-left bubbles, the oval down-center bar (speed) and the right-side bar has burn in into the screen. I have display brightness mostly on auto.

Hence is there a way to reduce light during normal driving without any waring, turn or other navigation issue to low and light up in front of an EVENT.?

Thank you.
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I'm not sure I understood your request but to reduce the light while driving in the application settings check "always use night colors"
I may be wrong but am quite certain that this is not possible with the TomTom app.
Are you replying to the OP or to Willy?
It's definitely possible to shift to night colors only. The options are auto/day/night.

However, this will only invert the screen burn. Rather than resulting in a dark circle, it will wind up being 3 dots burned in.

The Android system brightness impacts the GO Nav app just like any other. If burn is an issue (I also have an OLED Samsung phone), then best to bring the brightness down a bit or see if the auto setting avoids screen burn. Otherwise, any screen-persistent app is going to cause this.
Thank you for your comments.
I did try the night mode, but this does only switch colors, the intensity of the display is unchanged.
Normally I have my phone set to automatic brightness adjust - maybe I should change it to manual while using TomTom Go.

Is there a tool available for: Starting TomTom / switch to manual brightness

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