Forgot email address for Start60

Feb 4, 2013
TomTom Model(s)
I have an IPhone 5, IPhone 5s plus a Start 60 as well. I,have different email addresses for each one due to different apps etc on each. Problem I have now is that I want to update the TomTom Start60 and cannot remember the evil address I used for it.
I am using the same name and address for each one and wonder how I can retrieve it for the this?
Tomtom is on each one and fully activated.
Need this asap as I will soon go on holiday and start60 has lifetime maps on it as well.
Often your browser will retain autofill and password information. If you can just get the email 'started' with a correct character or two in MyDrive, your browser may fill in the rest for you. See if that works before you go the tech support route!
Doesn't work, I was able to log in using password reset, but have forgotten my original email address.
Can I reset password plus email address for my Start 60 unit?
I wish all the apps on my original TomTom worked for all my devices registered in my name like Apple allows....
Don't want to attempt to update then find it won't work due to wrong email address/ password because it's been a while since I did it.
Other ones work as I do know the addresses plus passwords for them...
Thanks for your help...
Give CS a call to assist:

United Kingdom
02079 490 134

Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
but have forgotten my original email address.
Can I reset password plus email address for my Start 60 unit?
Do NOT reset the email address without talking to Customer Support at the number dhn gave you.

Your life time map subscription is tied into it and you could loose that. Let Cutsomer Support handle it.

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