Don't see image for custom POI on TomTom

Jan 6, 2008
I downloaded the Wells Fargo custom POI's and put in the map directory. The bitmap in the directory is the Wells Fargo logo, but it doesn't show up on the TomTom as such. I only see the standard bank/atm icon.
I downloaded the Wells Fargo custom POI's and put in the map directory. The bitmap in the directory is the Wells Fargo logo, but it doesn't show up on the TomTom as such. I only see the standard bank/atm icon.

The name of the bitmap and the ov2 file must be EXACTLY the same. For example, if one file is WellsFargo.ov2, then the bitmap must be named WellsFargo.bmp
It is exactly the same. I even tried copying the bitmap to the brand folder of the map folder, but that of course didn't work.
I've found a number of the bitmaps downloaded with the poi's from various sources don't work.

Along with the proper naming they need to be the right pixel size (I've seen 22 by 22 and 24 by 24 both work), but more importantly they have to be 8-bit images.

I changed all my non working ones using photoshop and even though PhotoShop says the image is 8-bit, it will only save as 16-bit bmp until you change the image 'mode' to "Indexed Color" and set it to "Windows System" which then lets you save as an 8-bit bmp file.

After changing to 8-bit ALL of the reworked bitmaps now show up on my one.
I downloaded the Wells Fargo custom POI's and put in the map directory. The bitmap in the directory is the Wells Fargo logo, but it doesn't show up on the TomTom as such. I only see the standard bank/atm icon.

Follow my instructions here, including pulling the *.bmp into a paint program and insuring the size is correct:
>>> POI Custom Image <<<
Thanks everyone for the excellent suggestions. As it turns out, the problem was that the POI file for Wells Fargo did not include those near me. In fact the closest was 275 miles away. And, it did have the icon.

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