China made tomtom ( GPS science and technology leading fashion CE Win 5.0)

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Dec 26, 2010
Hello All,

I have the china made tom tom but i have problems

Problem 1:
when i connect it with my computer using usb port it says device not identified i think it is looking for external drivers but no driver shipped with this product.

Problem 2:
This product shipped with china maps if i want to install Pakistan maps??? can i install pakistan google maps inside ? i see there is a tool called Google map downloader Google Maps Downloader can i download and install maps by this ?

Problem3 :
device gps tab only showing driving staring not showing maps ???

please help me out



I have check out It is YF brand.
I have installed driver and able to sync it with microsoft mobile sync tool.
how can i install maps on this device ?
I don't know and really don't care.

See if your brand has a website or customer support.
See the name of this forum?

We don't deal with Garmins, Magellans, Navigons, Motorolas, Clydes or any other brand including yours.

If you think that's being rude, so be it. This thread is locked.
A few years ago, Tomtom was mostly a software company, that made Tomtom software for various devices like WInCE.

Since about 2007, they've only made software for a handful of Smartphones, and their own in-house hardware. They've abandoned WinCE development.

So unless you dig up Tomtom software from 5+ years ago (with 5+ year-old maps), you won't be able to get Tomtom working on WinCE.
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