A newbie seeking enlightenment..

Mar 22, 2023
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/au.png" alt="Australia" /> Australia
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom Go for Android Auto
Good evening, or good day, depending where you might be.

Not long ago I brought a new car and it comes with an in-dash infopedia system and wireless Android Auto...the built in navigation system uses Google Maps and while thats ok the version on the screen is a 'cut down' version of what Google Maps is like on a mobile phone...hence I went looking for better...I found Sygic GPS Navigation and found it seemed to work ok in the car but again, the car version is very different to what is on the mobile...to the point where the 200 page User Manual is very different between the in-car and mobile versions.
Sygic offer a trial period and, understandably I guess, during that time they have restrictions, there is no voice guidance for example, I think this is quite silly. The evaluation version allows very little set-up changing and this doesn't allow for a good evaluation.
Waze is good too but not a heck of a lot different to Google Maps, being of the same family.
I read that TomTom GO is quite good and very popular. I do have some questions: I understand I need to install AmiGo as well as the tomTom app, is this correct?...and is there a User Manual available?, one that actually refers to the version I will be using in my car?.
Am I able to remove ads by paying up front?

I'm sure I'll be back with a truck load of more questions.
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
Down Under.

TomTom GO and AmiGo are 2 different apps

AmiGo you can only plan a route from A to B you will be warned of speed cameras and traffic the application is free.

Tomtom GO which is paying and much more complete you can plan your route via the Mydrive app add stopping points the maps are downloaded to your phone so you can use the app without being connected to the mobile network.
Willy875, thank you for your quick response.

I understand now that TomTom GO and AmiGo are different apps, although both produced by TomTom, one is subscribed to and the other is free...over the past couple of days I have been looking at both and can see a number of similarities. I also get that one of the biggest advantages with GO is the ability to use offline maps, something that can also be done with the old favourite Google Maps.
I see too that Ami users appear to get some pretty nifty features, for example the pre-warning of obstacles or events coming up as we drive along, a popular Waze feature, but with the added ability of answering (still there....not there) by voice.
From what I can see Ami also has more user set-up features.
I'm wondering however if the evaluation version of TomTom Go requires payment before these extra features are made available?

Regards, Paul.
Thank you Willy875 but your answer doesn't really help at all...Can anyone assist me here?
What are you helping?

Download the application on your phone, you can test it for free for 7 days, after which you can choose between Amigo or Tomtom GO, the application that suits you best.
Willy875....thank you for your answer, with all due respects please re-read the questions asked...
"I see too that Ami users appear to get some pretty nifty features, for example the pre-warning of obstacles or events coming up as we drive along, a popular Waze feature, but with the added ability of answering (still there....not there) by voice.
From what I can see Ami also has more user set-up features.
I'm wondering however if the evaluation version of TomTom Go requires payment before these extra features are made available?"

You might see that I am fully aware that there is a seven day evaluation period...what I was asking was if the features I asked about are ONLY available following payment.
But it no longer matters, I have gone with another GPS app.
Thank you for your assistance.
If your question is whether Tomtom GO warns of speed cameras or obstacles such as traffic jams on your route, the answer is yes, provided you are connected to the mobile network.

To the 2nd question (if the features I requested are ONLY available after payment.) Even in the 7 day trial you must have all the features.

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