Newbie Rider 410 enquiry

Dec 11, 2022
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TomTom Model(s)
Rider 410
Hi, New to forum but been a Tomtom user for years, however now I’m struggling to get on with my Rider. On my previous Tomtom units I could find (on the screen ) favourites and save them as such, but cannot see hoe to save favourites on the model. The reason I use favourites so much is because I like to link them on a day out riding, we travel from one bikes cafe to another, costal runs, Peak District, north yorkshire. I find it easier to link four or five “favourites “ together before setting off and then simply follow the route.
You can probably tell I’m not the best forum user and I’m not into computers so please keep your replies simple.
One other problem I cannot connect to wi-fi, managed Bluetooth but not wi-fi?
The menu item for the Rider 410 should be called "My Places" on the menu screen. On older devices, it was called "Favorites". If you need help later in setting up addresses for this, let us know. 'Favorites' can be done on the device or using the web page that TomTom has set up for this (MyDrive web) and sent to your 410 via Bluetooth. See

I was not aware that the Rider 410 supported WiFi connections.
I will check later when I have access to my files, but I believe WiFi did not start until Rider 450 and 500 models.
Hi, Thanks for your reply, I’ve now managed to save a few “favourites “ in My Places but now need to set them into a route. It looked at first to be easier to save them on my PC (bigger map) but that never happened, the map detail is poor and highlighting the exact spot just doesn’t work. So in the end I set them from my iPhone but it was long winded and very time consuming ( I gave up in the end).
So any advise you can give me will be very welcome, don’t forget I’m a complete luddite, please be patient.
Have you had time to view these?

One of the admins might want to move this thread to the correct location, Rider section.
One of the admins might want to move this thread to the correct location, Rider section.
Have done, but the issue raised isn't unique to Rider. It's something that any owner of an old Nav2 device will encounter when moving to any of the newer models.

This section is generally to be reserved to problems unique to Rider models.
OK, thanks again for your reply, I’m slowly beginning to unravel the complexities of the new style TT. The next problem I’ve come across is the inability to get my devise to connect to the computer, when I connect my TT to computer it invites me to connect my device but when I follow the instructions (supplied USB, turn on) thats as far as it goes, just sits waiting for the connection but it never happens.
I’m not sure if I’m entitled to join “MyDrive connect” but it appears from the information on my PC that I am but cannot get it to connect.
I’m not in any desperate rush to use the TT (far to cold) so learning a little bit every day allows it to sink in (it’s an age thing)

First, you will need to install MyDrive Connect. It's an app for your PC that acts as the interface between your Rider 410 and the TomTom server.
Next, there's the TomTom web site ( ) that that you can use to create routes that you can then send to your device through MyDrive Connect.

Be sure you install the MyDrive Connect app, and that you have set up an email/password account both on your device and the web page - and yes, they need to match! That's what connects your web account information to your particular device.

On your device, it's the menu item for Settings / Cloud.
I’ve done all of the thing you suggested and now my phone, ipad and TT all appear to be connected, but what I’ve found (or not found) is a icon for wi-if , looking at the user’s Gide it shows an wi-fi tile next to the Bluetooth tile but I don’t have one!
Could it be I’ve been misled, and have been sold an inferior model. All My devises are connected by Bluetooth will this be enough?
I was hoping to get lifetime maps and speed camera updates, it does show traffic situations so I guess I’m halfway there.

See Post #2. AFAIK, the WiFi capability did not become part of the Rider series until the 450 and 500 models. The 410 is NOT a current model, though it is a very nice one. Where did you purchase it, and how long ago?

That said, apart from updating your device over WiFi, there's nothing you can't do with it with either Bluetooth or a direct connection to your PC. WiFi just made it a little more convenient under certain circumstances.

I believe that the package you have will include free ‘lifetime’ updates to maps and speed camera locations as well. When you connect your device to your PC and run MyDrive Connect, that software will let you know when updates are available and suggest that you download them.
looking at the user’s Gide it shows an wi-fi tile next to the Bluetooth tile but I don’t have one!
I believe that the manual you are downloading covers a whole range of Rider products, not just the 410.

Here is where I find the manual:

Can you tell me the page where you see the WiFi reference?
Hi, Your input has been invaluable, I have just bought the devise off Ebay, I bought it to replace my old Garmin 550 Zumo, I know its quite an old model but it came with all the kit to fix it to my Africa Twin, but due to the poor weather I’ve been unable to use it on the bike. So at present I use it in my car and it appears to be working ok its just so different to the Garmin.
I’m sure I’ll get used to it but I don’t think it’s as intuitive as the Garmin. The good news is it has the NC 500 pre installed ( circular route of Scotland) which is next years target.
So hopefully I should be ok now, bit disappointed no Wi-fi but no big deal
Thanks again
Hi, Your input has been invaluable, I have just bought the devise off Ebay, I bought it to replace my old Garmin 550 Zumo, I know its quite an old model but it came with all the kit to fix it to my Africa Twin, but due to the poor weather I’ve been unable to use it on the bike. So at present I use it in my car and it appears to be working ok its just so different to the Garmin.
I’m sure I’ll get used to it but I don’t think it’s as intuitive as the Garmin. The good news is it has the NC 500 pre installed ( circular route of Scotland) which is next years target.
So hopefully I should be ok now, bit disappointed no Wi-fi but no big deal
Thanks again
Bit cold now for the North Coast ride! That said, we were up there in December many years back, and it was just jacket weather and roses were still blooming in many of the gardens.

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