How put only a few states onto 540XXL

Jan 2, 2011
I received an email saying new map was ready. So I clicked all the links and new map was installed.

The problem is, before I had ony about 7 states on the unit to shorten search times and save memory. But after the update, the entire USA Canada Mexico map is on it. How can I get the new load back to just the states I want?
I received an email saying new map was ready. So I clicked all the links and new map was installed.

The problem is, before I had ony about 7 states on the unit to shorten search times and save memory. But after the update, the entire USA Canada Mexico map is on it. How can I get the new load back to just the states I want?
I have no idea what you saw on your unit previously - that would have been some sort of USA 'regional' map, bought and paid for on top of the original price of the unit. The unit comes with the full USA/Canada/Mexico map out of the box. Are you the original owner?

It is not possible to selectively delete map data for individual states (or even Mexico or Canada) from the full map set.

There's also the possibility that you had all of the map data for all of the states all along, but that you had deleted unneeded "cspeech" files from your unit.
You know, you must be right about that. I believe I was thinking about my previous Garmin unit which I am sure let me select on my computer the portion of the overall map that I wanted to load.

Since I never drive out of the southeast, I just loaded the states I thought I might need--basically VA to FL and West to the Mississippi. Kept the load size smaller and searches were faster.

Yes, I am the original owner.

Guess you can't downsize your TT map then. Too bad. I remember reading some people had problems with new map releases not fitting their memory. Having the ability to eliminate unused map area would have solved that.
If you're actually jammed up for memory, we can probably help you remove some unnecessary items from your 540.
If you're actually jammed up for memory, we can probably help you remove some unnecessary items from your 540.
The version page says I have 64MB of RAM, 18.6 free, so I seem to be OK.

My main reason for wanted the smaller maps was to have fewer names and POIs for the gadget to have to "work on" when looking for something.
If you're actually jammed up for memory, we can probably help you remove some unnecessary items from your 540.
The version page says I have 64MB of RAM, 18.6 free, so I seem to be OK.

My main reason for wanted the smaller maps was to have fewer names and POIs for the gadget to have to "work on" when looking for something.
It's not DRAM you need to worry about - it's total available memory in flash. As long as there's some to spare, you're good. What's needed is paged in and out of DRAM anyway.

The primary POI file is also a single file, not separable by state, so no way to pare that down, either.
It's not DRAM you need to worry about - it's total available memory in flash. As long as there's some to spare, you're good. What's needed is paged in and out of DRAM anyway.

The primary POI file is also a single file, not separable by state, so no way to pare that down, either.

Oops, getting confused. That screen doesn't tell me the memory stats that are the ones to watch? And that says RAM; you say DRAM. Not following.

If the data screen doesn't give us the important memory data, where do we see it?
Look at the contents of your unit using Explorer. Since Explorer treats it as a removable drive, it'll show the full amount of size for the drive and how much is still free or available.

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